1/10 Scale Crackerbox
Model Kit
For Radio Control
Manufactured by Vac-U-Boat
1259 Humphries Rd.
Conyers, GA 30012
Length: 19-7/8 in. Beam: 7-3/8 in.
Thank you for purchasing this Vac-U-Cracker 1/10 Scale Crackerbox kit. You will find the
quality, fit, and finish of this High Impact Polystyrene model to be superior to other kits.
The Vac-U-Cracker
features exterior details true to the actual Crackerbox racers found
along the West Coast of the United States. These include a scale Chevy V-8 properly oriented
in the engine compartment and realistic drivers with scale helmets. The exterior hardware is
constructed of stainless steel including the “double shark-fin” turn fin, rudder blade, and trim
tabs. Inside you will find a strong aluminum motor mount that will not flex under load, an
mahogany transom reinforcement, ribbed hull & deck reinforcing liners that resists flexing and
twisting giving the hull the rigidity of a fiberglass model. The hull reinforcement has formed
“beds” for the motor mount base, turn fin, and the pass-through for the stern tube. The design
minimizes hull impact flexing and motor torque-induced roll to the hull floor. The drive train is
complete including a stainless steel shaft supported by Oilite
sleeve bearings in a self-
supporting thick-walled brass stern tube. An Octura
X-431 racing prop is included. The
injection-molded rudder assembly includes a stainless steel rudder blade that swings up on
impact reducing the risk of damage to the rudder components. A stainless steel pushrod and
EZ-Connector are included. The rudder base is designed to fit next to the included Bru
Pushrod Seal. The open interior hull floor layout allows you to place your hardware
where you wish in order to adjust the center of gravity according to racing conditions. You
also get a 60-yard roll of Hatch Tape and building supplies including paper clips, ratchet
clamps, epoxy brush, & a transom clamping board.
Buy as much of the kit as you wish. The “Plastic-Only Kit” includes only the vacuum-
formed plastic, transom reinforcement, and the building supplies. Four hardware packages are
available separately. The “Complete Kit” includes all hardware packages. You supply your
choice of R.O.A.R. motor, radio gear, battery, and speed control.
Regulated by the IMPBA, International Model Power Boat Association, the Crackerbox is a
Specialized N-1 MONO class as a scale model of the full-sized APBA, American Power Boat
Association, one design runabout.
The Crackerbox is not an easy ride. Even with the power limitations of a R.O.A.R. motor,
the hull is almost over-powered. You cannot just give it the gas and expect to cross the finish
line. It takes a good eye, easy touch, and careful use of the throttle just to remain upright
through a complete race! A recovery system for overturned boats is required. This boat is easy
on the budget as well. You won’t need exotic electronics to run this boat. The skill of the
driver determines who crosses the finish line first.
© 2005-2011 Philip Pace dba Vac-U-Boat™