MPS-1-302 - Page 5 of 8
10 seconds to fully prime the pump and to pass any air that may have been caught in the water
supply system. The system is now ready to clean items of choice.
The MPS-I-302 Steam Cleaning System has been designed to be of ease and simplicity to the user.
Interfacing the wand and water tubing and plugging into a wall electrical outlet is all that's required
to get 'up and running'.
With the MPS-I-302 Steam Cleaning System from Va-Tran Systems, Inc., there are as standard
equipment 3 specialized cleaning nozzles:
1- General Purpose Nozzle that has a front-facing orifice in the center of the nozzle and used
for most typical cleaning tasks. This nozzle provides the most powerful and focused jet of
cleaning steam of the available nozzles.
1- I.D. Cleaning Nozzle that has forward-facing holes on the outside diameter of the nozzle
used for cleaning the insides of tubes, chambers, and cavities.
1- Fan Spray Nozzle used for cleaning a wider surface area than the General Purpose Nozzle.
Please note that the Fan Spray Nozzle has its own captive Insulator-nut different from the
Insulator-nut for the General Purpose and the I.D. The cleaning nozzle, however, is shared -
it is removed from the end of the unused nozzle and slid over the working end of the other,
and then attaches to the wand.
The nozzles are attached to the front of the wand, which resembles a pistol in form. At the exit
from the wand is a Swagelok 1/4" tube fitting. This fitting uses a ferrule system to form a leaktight
seal to the nozzle. The interface end of each nozzle has a pre-swaged front/rear ferrule set that will
mate to the Wand exit fitting. The Swagelok nut has been fitted with a large Teflon insulator that
has been designed to keep you from getting burned when changing or tightening a hot cleaning
nozzle. Note: due to thermal expansion and contractions, it may be necessary to re-tighten a nozzle
occasionally during operation, as small leaks around the nozzle fitting may develop.
Cleaning with the MPS-I-302 is easy. Once the proper nozzle has been selected, and the steam-
generating chamber is at operating temperature as is indicated by the 'heating chamber' pilot lamp
going 'off', you may begin cleaning.
Direct the nozzle at the part to be cleaned, pointed away from you and at approximately a 45-
degree angle. Generate steam by fully pulling the trigger while simultaneously depressing the
black 'pump run button' at the rear of the wand, or alternatively pressing the 'Manual Steam
Actuator' momentary switch for about 3 seconds. High pressure cleaning steam will exit
immediately. Direct the flow of steam over the part to be cleaned, bottom to top and side to side,
or vice versa, such that residue is directed away from the part and away from the operator. Some
empirical experimentation may be required to determine the best nozzle and cleaning procedure