7 Trouble-shooting
Possible cause
When you log into
the V-ZUG-Home ac-
count, the e-mail ad-
dress or password is
not recognized.
No V-ZUG-Home account
has been created in the V-
ZUG App yet.
▸ Create a V-ZUG-Home account
in the V-ZUG App (see page 9).
The login of the online
portal (www.vzug.com)
was used.
▸ Use the login of the V-ZUG-
Home account.
There is no registra-
tion e-mail in the in-
box of the e-mail ac-
count to create the V-
ZUG-Home account.
The registration e-mail is in
the spam or trash folder of
the e-mail account.
▸ Check the spam or trash folder
of the e-mail account.
▸ Open the registration e-mail and
confirm the e-mail address.
The V-ZUG-Home account
has now been created.