UWE Verken AB
Installation Instructions
Viper 2000 Control System
I n t r o d u c t i o n
This instruction sheet only deals with control unit Viper
Remove all packaging and check that the goods supplied
are not damaged.
Check that the articles supplied correspond with those
specified on the delivery note.
Read through the documentation attached to the prod-
uct before starting installation work.
P l a c e m e n t o f t h e c o n t r o l u n i t s
The control units are to be placed at a place where it is protect-
ed from water. The nodes should be placed in the distribution
box. The display unit is to be places in a way that the driver
doesn’t have to move, and preferably in a way that a minimum
of sunlight is reflected in the display.
To mount the sensors, see separate installation sheet
Ensure that the control units are placed at a place pro-
tected from water.
S t r u c t u r e o f t h e c o n t r o l s y s t e m
Example of structure in an articulated bus
Drivers place
Climate zone 1
Climate zone 2
Drivers place temperature
Outside temperature
Defroster temperature
Flap: Floor/Screen, Fresh/Recirc
Gov. valves: Defroster, Drivers convector
Fans: Heating fan, Defroster fan
Compartment temperature
Air duct temperature
Flap: Fresh/Recirculation
Gov. valves: Convectors, TSV
Fans: Heating fan, TSV
Compartment temperature
Air duct temperature
Flap: Fresh/Recirculation
Gov. valves: Convectors, TSV
Fans: Heating fan, TSV
Auxiliary temperature
Booster pump (node 1 when two-axled bus)
AC system (node 1 when two-axled bus)
Node 2
Node 1
Feed water temperature