No Protection
You Can Safely
Stay Outside!
Protection Required
Seek shade during
midday hours!
Slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen
and slap on a hat!
Extra Protection
Avoid being outside during
midday hours!
Make sure you seek shade!
Shirt, sunscreen and hat
are a must!
SunUVStation™: Background Information About the UV Index
The SunUVStation displays a number called the “UV Index.” The UV
Index is a standardized scale indicating the intensity of the sun's UV
radiation that affects human skin. (UV can also damage eyes) The UV
intensity varies from one place to another, and in the same location it
varies throughout the day and as the seasons change. The variations are
caused by the sun’s changing position in the sky, clouds, the altitude, and
other factors, so each location has its own range of UV index values from
dawn to sundown. The UV Index is used in the United States, Canada,
Australia, New Zealand and many other countries by agencies such as the
US Environmental Protection Agency and Environment Canada.
The higher the UV Index, the more care you should take when working,
playing or exercising outdoors. For most places on Earth the Index will
read between 1 and 15, but some high altitude places such as the Mauna
Loa Observatory in Hawaii have measured a UV Index of 20. The UV
Index can make a large difference in the amount of time you can spend in
the sun before sunburn. For example, if you are very fair skinned and are
not using sunscreen or wearing protective clothing, you could spend an
hour or more in the sun without sunburn on a low UV index day (1 to 2),
but have less than 10 minutes before sunburn on a day with a UV Index
of 10. The UV Index stated in newspapers and broadcast media weather
reports in the USA is a forecast from the National W
eather Service of the
highest reading for the day for a general area. The SunUVStation
provides a continuous actual measurement of the UV Index for the
specific location it is in. In addition to the numbers, UV Index ranges are
described in categories and with colors:
Protecting Skin from Too Much UV
The amount of UV that skin can tolerate before it burns varies greatly
from one person to another. But even if it were possible to stop UV
exposure just short of sunburn, this is not advised. Tanned skin is
considered damaged and tanning is the skin’
s attempt to prevent further
damage. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that any
time the UV Index is greater than 2 you should take precautions to limit
sun exposure with sunblock, a hat and shirt, and limit time in the sun as
the index moves to higher values. The WHO has established general
guidelines for protective measures and sun avoidance based on the UV
Index. These are shown in the chart below
Included with the SunUVStation is a larger copy of this chart that can be
posted in a convenient place for reference. For more information on the
UV Index and how to take precautions against overexposure, visit the
following websites on the Internet:
The US EPA’s site for the “Sunwise” UV awareness program:
The World Health Organization site:
color pamphlet from WHO on the UV Index:
Directions for Use (Batteries already included)
Set Up
• 3 AA batteries are required to power the SunUVStation
• Remove the two screws in the battery compartment cover. Place the
batteries in the compartment in the orientation shown in the graphic.
Install the batteries in the shade so the unit does not inadvertently
be sure that the +/- orientation is correct. If the batteries
are placed in the unit incorrectly it may be damaged.
After the batteries are inserted, the pointer in the unit will move all the
way to the right and then all the way to the left (0 UV). If there is UV
present, it will then move to the
correct UV Index.
Replace the battery compartment
cover. Snug the screws but do not
CAUTION: Do not damage the seal
around the battery compartment cover
to insure that water cannot enter
Using the SunUVStation
The SunUVStation should be used in an outdoor sunny location, either
placed on its stand, hung by a nail or screw mounted in a post or fence,
or attached to fence, pole or other structure using the nylon strap. Do
leave out in rain.
• The ideal location for the unit is free of shade during all or most of the
day. Mounting it on the outside wall of a house or at a low point on a
solid fence could significantly limit its ability to measure the UV
during much of the day.
• Do not use the unit indoors next to a window or under a skylight, or
with any other transparent material between the detector area and the
sunlight. Window glass, plexiglass, automobile glass, plastic sheet
and many other transparent materials can block UV and make the
measurement inaccurate.
• When it is mounted, it is important that the circular white detector
area on the top of the instrument be pointed straight up so that the
measurements will be correct for any position of the sun.
• The white circular detector area must be kept clean for accurate
readings (see below – Maintaining the SunUVStation.) Keep this in
mind when selecting a location. If it is difficult to access -- for
example, located in a ver y high position -- it will be difficult to check
the cleanliness of the detector area and clean it if necessary.
• Also, consider if the location will place the unit in the path of sports
balls or other objects that may strike it and cause damage.
Using the Stand
• Insert the stand into the holes in the
bottom of the unit by pressing the two legs
slightly outwards. Push the stand in until it
• The unit can be placed on any level surface
in a location that is exposed to the sun as
much of the day as possible. If it is
extremely windy, you may wish to place a
weight on the stand.
Using a Hanger
• The SunUVStation can be hung from the
keyhole-shaped slot in the back using a
screw, nail or hook of the appropriate size.
• The unit should rest against the structure
holding the hanger so that it does not sway
or rotate excessively in the wind.
• Be sure to locate the white circular detector
area so that it is level and exposed to the
sun as much of the day as possible.
Using the Nylon Strap and Buckle
The SunUVStation can be attached to a
pole, fence or other structure using the
nylon strap and buckle
Feed the strap through the two slots in the
back of the unit
When strapping to an object, snug the
strap so that it is firm. CAUTION : do not
apply excessive force tightening the strap.
Be sure to locate the white circular detector area so that it is
level and exposed to the sun as much of the day as possible.
low = 1-2 = green
moderate = 3-5 = yellow
high = 6-7 = orange
very high = 8-10 = red
extreme = 11 and higher = violet