POSSiBle CauSe
CORReCtiVe aCtiOn
Motor will not run
1. Fuse is blown or circuit breaker
2. Voltage is too low
fuse or reset circuit breaker
2. Check voltage being supplied to
the pump
Motor runs hot and
the overload kicks
off or does not run
and only hums
1. Fuse is blown or circuit breaker
2. Voltage is too low
fuse or reset circuit breaker
2. Check voltage being supplied to
the pump
Motor runs but no
water is delivered*
During new installation, pump did not pick up prime through:
1. Improper priming
2. Air leaks
3. Leaking foot valve
4. Pipe size is too small
1. Re-prime according to instructions
2. Check all connections on suction
line with shaving cream
3. Replace foot valve
4. Re-pipe using size of suction and
discharge ports on pump
Pump in installation already in use has lost prime through:
1. Air leaks
2. Water level below suction pipe inlet
3. Impeller is plugged
4. Foot valve is stuck shut
5. Pipes are frozen
6. Foot valve and/or strainer are buried
in sand or mud
1. Check all connections on suction
line and shaft seal with shaving
2. Lower suction line into water and
re-prime. If receding water level in
well exceeds 25 ft. (7.6 m), a deep
well pump is needed
3. Clean impeller
4. Replace the foot valve
5. Thaw pipes
6. Raise the foot valve and/or strainer
above bottom of water source.
Clean foot valve and strainer
* Stop pump; then check prime before looking for other causes. Unscrew priming plug and see if
water is in priming hole.
Risk of electrical shock, cuts, and possible unexpected starts.
Can result in electrical
shock or pinching of hands or tools. If power to pump is on when thermal overload resets, pump may
start without warning. Disconnect power before servicing pump.