Convert Server User Manual
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited
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Server shipped open Socket A and Socket B.
5.5.1. Socket A
Socket A has three work mode: TCP Server, TCP Client, UDP client, UDP server.The setting method, please
refer to the AT+NETP command instruction.
When Socket A configured as TCP Server, it supports Multi-TCP link connection, and maximum 32 TCP
clients permitted to connect to Socket A.
Multi-TCP link connection will work as following structure:
Upstream: All dates from different TCP connection or client will be transmitted to the serial port as a
Downstream: All data from serial port (user) will be duplicate and broadcast to every TCP connection or
Detailed multi-TCP link data transmition structure as following figure:
Figure 15
Multi-TCP Link Data Transmition Structure
5.5.2. Socket B
Socket B has one work mode: TCP Client, please refer to the AT + SOCKB command instruction.
With variety work mode, socket B can provide users with flexible data transfer methods.For example, Socket
B can connect to a remote server in order to achieve remote control.
5.6. New function
This chapter is based on the function of V5.01D.01 and above, if not this version you can skip this section.
5.6.1. TCP password authentication
This feature is available only on the Convert Server as a TCP server, when the TCP client connection Convert
Server, the Convert Server will authenticate each connected tcp.