Number of programs: 7 Day with 4 settings per day
Temperature display range: 0 – 55°C (34 – 99.5°F)
Humidity display range: 20 to 95%
Temperature setting range: 5 – 35°C (41 – 95°F)
Humidity setting range: 20 to 70%
Storage temperature range: -20 – 50°C (-4 – 122°F)
Battery: 2 x “AA” size batteries
Battery symbol ( ) is flashing.
LCD screen is blank.
Heat will not come on.
- Check if the batteries are installed correctly.
- Check if the batteries are fresh and of the correct type.
- Press the RESET (R) key on the back of the thermostat above the battery compartment.
- This is an indication that the batteries are running low. Replace with fresh alkaline batteries.
Note: We recommend to have the batteries replaced at least once a year even if the battery symbol is
not flashing.
1) Check and ensure that the thermostat is set to the HEAT or AUTO mode.
2) Check and ensure that the set temperature is
than the current (room) temperature.
3) You may have to wait up to 5 minutes before the heat will turn on. The thermostat has a built-in time
delay to prevent undesirable on/off sequences.
4) After a 5-minute wait, the heating should now be on. Whenever the heating system is running, the
symbol will be animated.