that the coating is subjected to less
mechanical abrasion while the porosity-
limiting capabilities remain the same
When choosing an area to lay out the
glider before launching, try to find
somewhere that is relatively free of stones
and sharp rocks. Pay particular attention
to the top surface, where it lies on the
Never step on your glider
– stepping on it
will weaken the cloth, especially if the
surface beneath it is hard or contains
sharp objects. We recommend keeping an
eye on spectators on launch. Many,
especially children, do not fully appreciate
the fragility of the lines and cloth. It is
usually easy to explain this to spectators
and parents.
When folding your wing please make sure
that there are no insects caught inside.
Many insect species contain acids that
could damage the cloth. Grasshoppers
may use their sharp mandibles to attempt
to gnaw their way out of a folded canopy,
making it full of holes in the process.
Further they exude a dark and strong
colourant that will stain the cloth if
grasshoppers are packed inside. Shoo
them off before packing. Note that,
contrary to popular belief these particular
insects are not attracted to any particular
If the glider gets wet, then dry it as soon
as possible, but not in direct sunlight! If
you pack your wing away wet it may grow
mildew and, if also subjected to heat, the
fabric fibres may begin to decompose.
A new wing straight off the shelves is often
serves to reduce shipping costs but should
not be repeated once the wing has been
unpacked and flown for the first time. Also
note that, in spite of it being a comfortable
seat, the glider bag should not be used as
Should you accidentally put your UP
Kibo into seawater, rinse it out
thoroughly with fresh water and dry it
slowly in the shade (see Chapter
Paraglider lines
The lines used on the UP Kibo are
high grade sheeted and unsheeted
and Aramid lines. Keep the
following points in mind:
The lines should be checked
regularly for damage,
abrasion and damage to the lines'
protective sheeting,
The lines should not be knotted or
bent unnecessarily,
The main brake line at the handle
should not have too many knots.
Each knot weakens the line,
After any line over-stressing (tree
landings, water landings and other
extreme situations) all lines must
be checked for condition and
length and should be replaced
where necessary,
characteristics is noticed then the
lines should be checked and
possibly exchanged. Immediately
send your wing to UP International
or to a UP certified checking
facility if you feel that something is
Storage and transport
A paraglider should always be dry
when packed, but this is particularly
important after the last flight of the
season. But even a completely dry
wing should still be stored open in a
dry, clean and dark place. If you do not
have room for such winter storage we