pendrive audio recording and save file, blue light off and red light stay
on enter into the standby mode again.
Motion detection mode
On standby mode, press the K3 button. The pendrive will vibrate 3
times. The blue and red light will flash on and off 4 times. It will now
enter motion detection mode. If something infront of the pendrive
moves, the blue light will flash. Press the K3 button to exit the motion
detection mode and save the recorded video. The pendrive will then
enter standby mode.
PC camera mode
When the pendrive is turned off, press the K2 button to put it in PC
Camera Mode, PC itself can recognize the device and install the drive
Connect the pendrive to a USB slot or USB charger. If the light flashes
blue, it means that the pendrive is charging. When the pendrive is fully
charged, the blue light will turn off. For the first five charges, please
allow the device to charge to its full capacity.
Charging the camera
As the pendrive charges, press and hold the K3 button for 6 seconds,
until a red light appears. This means that the camera is on standby
mode. Now you are able to take pictures, video, record sound and enter
motion detection mode.
Set recording time
Video files show the time at which the file was recorded. The format is
year - month - date: hour: minuters:seconds. To set the time check if
the pendrive is connected to the computer via a USB cable and wait for
the “removable hard disk” icon to appear. Open the Windows software
notepad (TAG. TXT format) and type in:
2013-03-01 23:59:59
Then give the file a title: TAG.txt
Save the file and copy it onto the pendrive. Disconect the USB cable
and you will now see the time on the lower-right hand side of the video
that is recorded.
If the pendrive is running out of battery, the blue and red light will flash