Technical information
Univox® DLS-33TV fulfils the norms and requirements stipulated in the international
standard IEC 60118-4.
For further information, please refer to our product data sheet/brochure and CE certificate
which can be downloaded at www.univox.eu, Downloads.
If required, spare part lists and other technical information can be ordered at
[email protected].
Please note that the warranty is not valid for any damage or defects on the product due to
incorrect or incautious installation or usage. Bo Edin AB is not responsible for interference
from radio or TV equipment, or damage caused by the product to any property or liable for
the consequences of such damages.
Univox® DLS-33TV is completely free of lead.
Bo Edin AB is a member of REPA and ‘El-kretsen’ [Swedish recycling organisations].
Dispose used batteries/products responsibly in accordance with applicable environmental
regulations. By choosing to recycle you are contributing to a better environment.