Onderstaande garantievoorwaarden bepalen de condities waaronder en de
mate waarin Universo Consumer Products BV (hierna: “Universo”) garantie geeft,
onverminderd de rechten of vorderingen die de door de wet aan de consument
worden toegekend.
Universo geeft 5 jaar garantie op haar blokhutten overeenkomstig de volgende
1. Gebreken aan het product die aantoonbaar op een gebrek in het materiaal
en/of in de opbouwinstructie terug te voeren zijn, worden na beoordeling door
Universo met inachtneming van onderstaande voorwaarden vervangen of
hersteld, indien de gebreken binnen 2 maanden na constatering ervan bij Uni-
verso worden gemeld. Indien het gebrek zich binnen 6 maanden na afl evering
openbaart, wordt vermoed dat het gebrek reeds bij afl evering aanwezig was
tenzij de aard van de afwijking zich daartegen verzet.
2. Niet onder garantie vallen afwijkingen die inherent zijn aan het natuurpro-
duct (vuren)hout, zoals:
• Knoesten tot 20 mm die loslaten en uit het hout vallen;
• Knoesten die vergroeid zijn met het hout;
• Knoesten die uit de randen van de planken vallen, doch bedekt zijn in de
opgebouwde constructie;
• Verkleuringen van het hout;
• Korte scheuren (aan de kopse kant);
• Krimpscheuren;
• Harsplekken;
• Vervormingen en krommingen van het hout;
één en ander voor zover deze afwijkingen niet (de stabiliteit van) de constructie
negatief beïnvloeden. Gaten veroorzaakt door uitvallende knoesten dienen
gedicht te worden met kneedbaar hout.
3. Niet onder garantie vallen gebreken die zijn ontstaan als gevolg van:
• Een fundering die niet waterpas is gemaakt;
• Het ontbreken onvoldoende hebben van een vochtregulerende verfl aag,
beits of geschikt impregneermiddel;
• Het ontbreken van een windverankering en/of dakverankering;
• Het onvoldoende verwarmen van dakshingles of dakleer tijdens de mon-
tage van de dakbedekking;
• Het bevestigen of verkleven door spijkers, schroeven, kit of verf aan de
profi eldelen, hoekpalen en/of ramen en deuren. Hierdoor kunnen de
profi eldelen niet mee vrij bewegen en kunnen kieren ontstaan tussen de
profi eldelen.
• Windsnelheden van windkracht 7 of meer op de schaal van Beaufort;
• Natuurrampen of andere vernietigende invloeden van buitenaf, zoals blik-
sem, stortregens of windhozen.
4. Een aanspraak op garantie bestaat evenmin indien de gebreken aan de
blokhut terug te voeren zijn op onjuist gebruik, onvoldoende / ondeugdelijk
onderhoud of niet-inachtneming van de opbouwinstructies. Een aanspraak
op garantie vervalt, indien reparaties of ingrepen worden uitgevoerd door
personen die daartoe niet door Universo gemachtigd zijn, of indien de blokhut
wordt voorzien van reserveonderdelen, uitbreidingen of toebehoren anders
dan originele onderdelen en daardoor een gebrek veroorzaakt wordt.
5. Garantiegevallen worden op een zodanige wijze afgewikkeld dat ondeug-
delijke onderdelen gerepareerd of door deugdelijke onderdelen worden ver-
vangen, zulks ter beoordeling van Universo. Een en ander dient te geschieden
tegen overlegging van de aankoopbon met koop- en/of leverdatum. Vervangen
onderdelen worden het eigendom van Universo.
6. Uitgebreidere of andere aanspraken – in het bijzonder aanspraken op ver-
goeding van buiten de blokhut ontstane schade – zijn uitgesloten, voor zover
de aansprakelijkheid niet voortvloeit uit wettelijke bepalingen van dwingend
7. Garantiegevallen leiden niet tot een verlenging van de garantietermijn en
vormen evenmin het begin van een nieuwe garantietermijn. De garantietermijn
voor herstelde of vervangen onderdelen eindigt tegelijk met de garantietermijn
voor de blokhut als geheel.
8. De garantietermijn begint te lopen vanaf de dag van aankoop (dit is de
datum die op de aankoopbon staat vermeld) en heeft een duur van 2 jaar.
9. Klachten over gebreken dienen binnen 2 maanden na constatering daarvan
aan de Universo dealer telefonisch of schriftelijk te worden gemeld, onder ver-
melding van het model van de blokhut, de code van de onderdelen waarop het
probleem betrekking heeft en het onder overlegging van het aankoopbewijs
van de blokhut.
10. Onderhavige garantievoorwaarden gelden alleen indien de blokhut is
gekocht bij een offi ciële dealer of distributiekanaal van Universo in Europa.
Before starting assembly, Care, Maintenance, Guarantee
Parts list
Permit application information
Step by step plan for the assembly (drawings))
This step-by-step plan covers all models, and there may be variations from the
model you have purchased.
However the steps depicted do apply to all models
Assembly instructions English
Two people without extensive construction experience can easily assemble the
log cabin in 1 to 2 days. Read the assembly instructions carefully before making
a start.
Check the contents of the package
Please check the contents of the package for any damage or missing or incor-
rect parts as soon as you receive it and before starting assembly. Contact your
Universo Consumer Products dealer in the event of any shortcomings. You can
check the contents against the parts list (see Chapter B).
Laying a good, level foundation is very important in order to prevent unneces-
sary problems, such as:
• Windows and doors that cannot be opened and closed properly.
• Walls that cannot expand and contract in damp or dry weather, causing
cracks to open up.
Depending on the surface, the soil should be excavated to a depth of about 15-
20 cm. This should then be fi lled up with builder’s sand and thoroughly vibrated
down, and then a fl oor of tiles in a concrete border or concrete slabs should be
laid. The fl oor must always be above the normal ground level. In order to avoid
contact with the ground you can also use Universo Consumer Products high
pressure impregnated foundation joists.
Pre-treatment of profi le sections
Before starting to assemble the cabin you can treat the bare wood sections of
Congratulations on your purchase of a Universo Consumer Products log cabin.
You have chosen a top quality product. Following the assembly and mainte-
nance instructions below will ensure your continued enjoyment of the cabin for
many years.
your log cabin all over with a wood stain or other wood preservative to give
them maximum protection. The grooves, tongues, crosscut ends and the corner
joints especially should be well protected against the infl uence of the weather.
The profi le sections must be dry before assembling. (NOTE! Avoid applying
excessive paint to joints in posts and tongue and groove joints).
We recommend that the following treatment should be applied once the cabin
assembly is complete:
• Apply a 2nd coat of stain or paint, with a high level of UV protection. Colour-
less or transparent varnishes and stains provide less protection against UV
radiation compared to coloured stains. The darker the stain, the better the
• Follow the strain or paint manufacturer’s instructions
• Seal the joint between the lowest profi le and the foundation beams. (Where
• Seal glass in its glazing bead.
If these instructions are followed no further maintenance should be required for
an extended period. If you notice the wood beginning to “sweat”, then repeat
the treatment with stain or paint.
Required Tools
Ladder, stain or paint, brush, tape measure, knife, hammer, rubber mallet, cross
head and fl at head screwdrivers, spirit level, saw, handheld drill, drill bit, safety
Before starting assembly
Tools and materials
Even though most of the wooden parts have been smoothly fi nished there is
still a chance of splinters, so be careful when taking hold of the parts. Always
wear gloves, eye protection and long sleeves while assembling the log cabin or
when carrying out maintenance.
Always cut away from yourself when using a knife or chisel. Do not hold your
fi ngers behind the wooden part that you are cutting or sawing.
Be careful with the tools that you use when assembling the log cabin. Make sure
that you know how to handle any electrical tools used.
Do not proceed with the assembly of the cabin if components are missing, as
weather damage may be caused if the cabin is left partly assembled.
Working on ladders and roofs
Care is required when working from a ladder or on a roof. Ensure that the ladder
has a sound footing and rests against a solid object of adequate strength. Do
not leave heavy or sharp objects in places where they may be dislodged.
Weather conditions
Avoid erecting the cabin in strong winds or heavy rain.
Keep children away from the working area, and keep ladders, tools and cabin
components out of their reach. Do not allow them to climb on the cabin.
Renovation and maintenance
Proper maintenance will extend the life of your cabin. Just as with your own
house, the paintwork is a crucial element of maintenance. All timber elements
require maintenance. In the long run you will get more pleasure from your
purchase if you maintain it properly.
We would advise the following treatment for your cabin:
Carry out maintenance before the old coat of stain or paint is badly weathered.
Depending on its condition, the surface may require one or two coats of stain
or paint. If most of the stain or paint has already weathered away, the surface
should be well sanded.
Roof: roofi ng shingles/roofi ng felt
Do not walk on the roofi ng shingles or roofi ng felt during hot, sunny weather, to
prevent footmaks.
With a fl at fl oor it is commom that a small amount of water remains on the roof,
the structure is calculated to, and does not harm your garden house.
Useful tips:
• Arrange insurance for your cabin.
• Ensure adequate ventilation.
• Lubricate the lock annually with graphite powder.
• Do not use abrasives to clean the glass, use detergent instead.
• Check the structure of the cabin periodically for solidity, and make sure it
still stands level.
• Avoid storing hot items like recently used barbecues or garden fl ares in the
• Avoid placing heavy objects against the walls, to prevent deformation of the
• Keep the doors and windows closed to avoid wind damage.
• Check the security of the wind anchoring, which may be aff ected by the
expansion and contraction of the timber.
Roof loading
Keep the roof free of snow and leaves. A large amount of snow on the roof may
present a risk of collapse.
The following Terms and Conditions determine the circumstances in which Uni-
verso Consumer Products BV (hereinafter referred to as “Universo”) will provide
a guarantee, and the level of that guarantee, without prejudice to the rights or
claims accruing to the consumer by virtue of legislative provisions.
Universo provide a 5 year guarantee on their log cabins, in accordance with the
following conditions:
1. Defective products which are demonstrably attributable to faults in ma-
terials and/or the assembly instructions will be replaced or repaired follow-
ing assessment by Universo and taking account of the following terms and
conditions, provided the defects are reported to Universo within 2 months of
their discovery. Where a defect is revealed within 6 months of delivery, it will
be deemed already to have been present on delivery, unless the nature of the
defect militates against this interpretation.
2. The guarantee does not cover variations inherent in a natural product like
spruce timber, such as:
• Knots up to 20 mm which come loose and fall out of the wood;
• Knots which have grown into the wood;
• Knots which have fallen out of the edges of boards, but which are concealed
in the fi nished structure;
• Staining and or discoloration of the wood;
• Short cracks (in cross-cut ends);
• Shrinkage cracks;
• Resin inclusions;
• Bending and deformation of timber;
The foregoing shall apply to the extent that there are no negative eff ects on the
structure and its stability. Holes caused by knots falling out should be sealed
with plastic wood.
3. Defects arising from the following causes do not fall within the guarantee:
• Foundations which are not level;
• The lack of a moisture-regulating coating of paint, stain or a suitable impreg-
nating agent;
• The lack of wind anchoring or roof anchoring;
• Failure to adequately heat roofi ng shingles or roofi ng felt during construc-
tion of the roof covering;
• Fixed or sticking profi le elements, angle posts and/or windows or doors due
to nails, screws, glue or paint. This may mean that the profi le elements can
no longer move freely, causing cracks to appear.
• Windspeeds of Beaufort scale 7 or above;
Natural disasters or other destructive external eff ects, such as lightning, rain-
storms or whirlwinds.
4. No claim will exist under the guarantee where the defects in the cabin are
attributable to improper use, inadequate or incorrect maintenance, or failure to
comply with the assembly instructions. The guarantee shall lapse in the event
that any repairs or modifi cations are carried out by persons not appropriately
authorised by Universo, or where the cabin is provided with spare parts, expan-
sions or accessories other than original components, causing a defect.
5. Guarantee claims will be handled in such a way that unsound components
will be repaired or replaced by sound components, according to Universo’s
judgement. The guarantee is provisional on the submission of the purchase
receipt, showing purchase and/or delivery date. Any components replaced will
become the property of Universo.
6. All other or more extensive claims, and in particular claims for compensation
for damage caused to items outside the cabin itself, are excluded, to the extent
that the liability does not fl ow from legislative stipulations of mandatory law.
7. A guarantee claim shall not lead to an extension of the guarantee period,
nor shall it constitute the commencement of a new guarantee period. The
guarantee period for replacement or repaired components shall terminate at
the same time as the guarantee period for the cabin as a whole.
8. The guarantee period will commence on the day of purchase (the date
stated on the purchase receipt) and will have a duration of 2 years.
9. Any complaint relating to defects must be notifi ed by phone or in writing
to the Universo dealer within 2 months of its detection, stating the model of
the cabin, the code for the components to which the problem relates, and with
submission of the purchase receipt for the cabin.
10. These guarantee terms and conditions shall apply only where the cabin has
been purchased from one of Universo’s offi cial dealers or through their distribu-
tion channels in Europe.
Guarantee: Terms and Conditions
Summary of Contents for TK300
Page 1: ...TK300 161213 TK300 19mm 300 x 300 cm A Z ...
Page 15: ...3 4 3 4 2 X X X X M C M K A C P P P P 15 ...
Page 16: ...6 5 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 R1 R2 R1 H1 H1 H1 H1 16 ...
Page 17: ...9 8 R2 R1 R1 18x SC3 28x SC3 H1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R1 R1 R2 12mm D 17 ...
Page 18: ...12 11 G G Y Y Y 10 U U 18 ...
Page 19: ... 13 14 15 Z Z Z V Z V 20x SC2 NK NK NK 20x 1 7 m m G V Y V V Y Y Y G G 19 ...
Page 20: ...NK 16x 17 Z Z NK Z Z Z Z Z Z 16 Z NK Z Z Z Z NK 20x V NK V 20 ...
Page 21: ...19 18 SC5 20x Z1 Z1 SC3 4x SR 8x 21 ...
Page 22: ...20 100 100 X X X Z2 Z2 SR SR Z2 Z2 SR Z2 SC2 SC3 22 ...
Page 23: ...23 ...
Page 24: ...24 ...