To avoid leaks, pay attention to the following points:
Tighten the nuts with two wrenches. Be careful not to damage the pipes.
If not tightened enough, it will probably cause gas leaks. Over-tightening may
also cause gas leaks if pipes are damaged.
The safest system is to tighten the connection using a spanner and a torque
Pressure check
The minimum pressure for R32 gas
appliances is 0.8-1.2 Mpa and the maximum
pressure is 3.2-3.7 Mpa. The cooling system
will be abnormal when functions outside the
mentioned ranges.
Air purge
Air and moisture inside the refrigerant
circuit can cause the compressor to
malfunction. After you have connected the
indoor and outdoor units, purge the air and
moisture from the refrigerant circuit using a
vacuum pump.