Walk-In Bathtubs
5701 NW 35 Avenue Miami, FL 33142 PHONE: 877-360-4454 FAX: 866-560-1060 www.universaltubs.com
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Walk-In Bathtubs
5701 NW 35 Avenue Miami, FL 33142 PHONE: 877-360-4454 FAX: 866-560-1060 www.universaltubs.com
Page 8
InstallatIon proceDures
on proce
Ical prep
electrIcal preparatIon
All electrical wiring must be installed in accordance with the National Electrical Code and with all local codes. All wiring shall be done
by a qualified electrician. Run one, two or three branch circuits (as required) from the main electrical service panel to the pump area
of the framing structure to provide power to the unit.
Electrical components have specific wiring requirements. Refer to the matrix below for the electrical supply requirements for the jet
massage bathtub and factory installed components.
Branch circuits must be rated for 110 – 120 volts. Use 12 Gauge, 3 conductor cable for the circuits. If the length run exceeds 100
feet check with local codes for requirements. Install moisture proof junction box(s) 6” above the floor at the pump end of the framing
for each circuit.
note: Do not Install tHe JunctIon Box(s) WHere It can Be reacHeD WHIle sIttIng or stanDIng In tHe tuB or
toucHIng tHe Faucets.
auto DraIn™, lIgHts, WHIrlpool, aIr spa, coMBo & Heater electrIal
This section lists the factory installed components of the Jet Massage and/or Air Massage Systems.
Electrical Ra
Circuit 1
Soaker w / Auto Drain™
15 Amp GFCI
Soaker w / Light
15 Amp GFCI
Soaker w / Auto Drain™ w / Light
15 Amp GFCI
Jet Massage Or Air Massage
15 Amp GFCI
Jet Massage Or Air Massage w / Light
15 Amp GFCI
Jet Massage Or Air Massage w/ Auto Drain™
15 Amp GFCI
Jet Massage Or Air Massage w/ Light & Auto Drain™
15 Amp GFCI
Jet Massage & Air Massage (Dual)
20 Amp GFCI
Jet Massage & Air Massage (Dual) w/ Light
20 Amp GFCI
Jet Massage & Air Massage (Dual) w/ Auto Drain™
20 Amp GFCI
Jet Massage & Air Massage (Dual) w/ Light & Auto Drain™
20 Amp GFCI
Whirlpool Inline Heater - Dedicated 15 Amp Circuit
15 Amp GFCI
All electrical connections must be carried out b y a certified electrician in accordance with local electrical requirements and codes.
electrIcal preparatIon
InstallatIon proceDures
WHen InstallIng Jet Massage BatH, tHe FolloWIng BasIc precautIons
sHoulD Be FolloWeD.
rIsK oF electrIc sHocK. connect onlY to separate cIrcuIt protecteD BY a
grounD Fault cIrcuIt Interrupter (gFcI) on plug In unIts.
note: InstallatIon Must provIDe access For servIcIng puMp/Motor (all tuBs coMe WItH an access panel
For tHe puMp/Motor).
general guIDe-tHrougH
Install tub waste/overflow according to instructions (see page 10).
Standard installation - After framing is a complete (see attached diagrams), set product in place to make certain that the tub can
be properly leveled. (Caution: If a walk-in bathtub is not resting on all leveling feet, water will not drain properly and may cause
the door to leak) (see page 7).
verify the product’s level by checking tub’s deck surface and ensure all leveling feet are touching the ground (see page 7).
Electrical connection is made pre-instruction on specified models.
After plumbing and electrical connections have been made, the tub should be cleaned of dirt and debris.
Installation is not complete until the tub has been tested in place.