Add/Remove NevoConnect NC-50
The Z-Wave network is managed by the Primary
Controller. There are two steps to add NevoConnect NC-
50 to a network, regardless of what manufacturer device
is serving as the Primary Controller:
1. Add/Initiate Inclusion on the Primary Controller (on
, press the Add button).
2. Press the Program button on the rear panel of
NevoConnect NC-50 for approximately 1/2 second.
NevoConnect NC-50 will double blink to show the
process has started and will remain off until the process
is complete.
When complete, the Power LED will blink twice then
remain on. The duration of the blinks indicates if the
Inclusion was successful:
• Success: Two quick flashes (0.2 seconds each)
• Failure: Two long flashes (0.8 seconds each)
To remove NevoConnect NC-50, follow the steps above,
but instead use Remove/Initiate Exclusion on the
Primary Controller (press the Remove button on Nevo
If you are using a Nevo Controller as the Primary
Controller, step by step directions are provided on-screen.
Create New Primary
This is initiated only from a NevoConnect NC-50 that has
been previously configured as the Static Update
Controller. Use this to create a new Primary Controller if
the original Primary Controller is lost or damaged.
1. If you are using a Nevo Controller for the new Primary
Controller, select Settings | Ecosystem | Configure |
Program on the touchscreen.