Apollo Hardware Manual
Device Driver Setup
Device Driver Setup
Apollo’s device drivers are the low-level software files that instruct the host computer system on how to
communicate with the Apollo hardware. The Apollo drivers are loaded during computer startup so Apollo is
ready to be used whenever host applications (Console, UAD Meter & Control Panel, DAW) are launched.
In addition to instructing the computer’s operating system on how to control the Apollo hardware, the drivers
are the software between the host application(s) and the Apollo hardware. The host applications use the drivers
to route Apollo’s input and output signals.
Console Settings Window
The Console application’s Settings window is used to configure system-level audio interface I/O settings such
as sample rate, clock source, and reference levels. These settings are used by host applications when they are
configured to use Apollo as the audio interface. Even when Console is not open, these settings are stored by the
Apollo drivers and will be used by other host applications.
Complete details are in the Apollo Software Manual but the most important aspects are covered below.
Accessing the Settings Window
Access the Console Settings Window by selecting “Settings” from the “Edit” menu within the Console
application. The Console application can be accessed from the Menu Bar (Mac) or Task Bar (Windows).
Interface Settings Panel
The parameters below are in the Interface panel in the Console Settings window (items in the Console panel are
detailed in the Apollo Software Manual).
Unit Selection
These settings are generally used when multiple Apollo units are connected to the same host computer
simultaneously. Unit Selection determines which Apollo is being actively controlled by the Console application.
Note: Multiple Apollo units are not controlled concurrently by the Console application. To control a different unit,
this setting must be switched.
Select Unit
When multiple Apollo units are connected, the Select Unit drop menu specifies which Apollo unit is being
controlled by Console. If the UAD Link is inactive, only “None” is available.
When only one unit is connected, the single unit appears in this menu, providing a method to confirm that the
Apollo drivers are properly communicating with the Apollo hardware.
Clicking this button will cause the currently selected unit’s front panel LEDs to flash in a random pattern. This
identifies the unit that is currently being controlled by Console. The current unit is changed with the Select Unit
Global Interface Settings
These settings define the active sample rate and clock source for Apollo when Console is the only host
application. Because these settings are part of the device drivers, when using a host DAW, these values are
usually changed from within the DAW. If the settings are changed from within the DAW, the Console Settings
window values are updated to reflect the changes.