UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual
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Chapter 37: Pultec and Pultec-Pro
In the documentation supplied with hardware version of the EQP-1A, it
is recommended that both Boost and Attenuation not be applied simulta-
neously because in theory, they would cancel each other out. In actual use
however, the Boost control has slightly higher gain than the Attenuation has
cut, and the frequencies they affect are slightly different too. The EQ curve that
results when boost and attenuation are simultaneously applied to the low shelf
is an additional feature.
High Frequency Controls
KCS Selector
This switch determines the frequency of the high boost portion of the equal-
izer. KCS is an acronym for KiloCycles per Second (kiloHertz). Seven fre-
quencies are available (all in kiloHertz): 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, and 16.
Bandwidth Knob
This knob sets the proportion of frequencies surrounding the center frequency
(determined by the KCS switch) to be affected by the high boost. This is a ‘Q;
control. Lower values yield a narrower band and effect fewer frequencies.
Boost Knob
This controls sets the amount of gain for the high frequency portion of the
High Attenuation Controls
Selector Switch
This switch determines the frequency of the high frequency attenuator. Three
frequencies are available (all in kiloHertz): 5, 10, and 20.
This knob determines the amount of high shelf cut to be applied to the fre-
quency set by the Attenuation Selector switch.