UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual
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Chapter 34: Precision Limiter
When the meters are in the K-modes, the displayed RMS level is 3.01
dB higher when compared to the same signal level in the Peak-RMS mode.
This is done to conform to the AES-17 specification, so that peak and average
measurements are referenced to the same decibel value with sine waves.
Meter Response
The main stereo Input/Output meter actually displays three meters simulta-
neously: The RMS and instantaneous peak levels, which follow the signal,
and the “peak-hold” (also known as global peak) level.
The peak-hold level is the maximum instantaneous peak within the interval set
by the Hold button, and is also displayed as text to the right of the meters. To
reset the peak hold levels, press the Clear button.
Precision Limiter metering is also active when plug-in processing is deacti-
vated with the Precision Limiter Power switch. Metering is disabled when the
plug-in is bypassed by the host application.
Gain Reduction
The Gain Reduction meter displays the amount of limiter gain reduction. More
green bars moving to the left indicate more gain reduction is occurring.
Gain reduction only occurs when the input signal level exceeds 0 dB. There-
fore, increasing the Input knob usually results in more gain reduction.
The Meter switch specifies the signal source for the main stereo meter, either
input or output.
When the Meter switch is in Input mode, the main level meters display the sig-
nal level at the input of the plug-in (and is not affected by the Input knob).
When the Meter switch is in Output mode, the main level meters display the
level at the output of the plug-in. When the Limiter is enabled, the Output and
Input knobs will affect this display.
The meter Scale switch increases the resolution of the main stereo level meter
below). The meter range that is displayed in Normal and
Zoom modes is dependent upon the meter Type setting (see