Features of your Tandem™ Hearing
hearing instruments come equipped with
various advanced features, including:
• CROS and BiCROS inputs
• Automatic listening program plus
programs for Tandem 16
manual programs for Tandem
• Speech enhancement LD
• AntiShock
• Noise reduction
It may take some time for you to fully adjust to your new
hearing instruments. In the beginning, do not feel as
though you need to wear them for longer than is
comfortable. Depending on your previous experience with
hearing instruments, increase wearing time gradually until
you have fully adjusted to them. Eventually, you should
wear your Tandem hearing instruments all day every day.
Please consult your hearing healthcare professional
regarding any adjustments you may require to ensure
that you are happy with your hearing instruments. For
instance, pitch and loudness of the beeps can be
adjusted or turned off entirely. Also note that this is a
general guide and your hearing healthcare professional
may have enabled or disabled certain features
depending on your requirements.