memory-resident programs are using this
serial port.
Step 4
Connecting the load
The external load is connected between
BAT+ and RET- (J2) on the EV2014. A
sense resistor (R16) is in series with the
negative terminal of the battery.
EV2014 board is supplied with a 0.1, 1%
3W resistor. Please ensure that the dis-
charge load does not exceed the V
fication for the bq2014.
R16 may be
changed to a different-value resistor.
Installing the User Interface
The User Interface Program (named “EV2014”) runs on
any PC-compatible computer. The program may be run
from the disk provided, or it may be installed on any di-
rectory on the computer's hard disk. To run the program
from the hard disk, simply copy all the files from the
disk supplied to the hard disk. All the files should re-
side in the same directory.
The User Interface Program installs a driver to control
the DQ/RS-232 interface. This driver asks which COM
port is connected to the EV2014 Evaluation board. If
communication is not established with the EV2014
board, the Main Menu does not appear. Please refer to
Appendix B (Troubleshooting) if the program does not
establish communication with the EV2014.
The EV2014x uses the PC-AT real-time clock to provide
the proper bit timing for serial communication with the
The modem control lines are used as the
single-wire serial interface to the bq2014. Any TSR that
uses the PC real-time clock affects the operation of the
EV2014. For proper operation, the EV2014 should not
be operated from a DOS shell program.
If the PC is a notebook or portable type, it may be config-
ured to save battery power by adjusting the clocks ac-
cording to the activity under way.
Configure the
notebook to run in “High Performance” mode for reliable
communication between the EV2014 and the PC. The
EV2014 UIP terminates if communication with the
EV2014 board is lost.
Start the User Interface Program as follows:
Using the EV2014 Program
EV2014 is a menu-driven program. Almost all of the
functions and entries are made by positioning the high-
lighted cursor on the function desired and pressing the
ENTER key, or by typing a value and then pressing the
ENTER key.
Key functions are as follows:
Use the arrow keys to move the high-
lighted cursor around the screen.
Press the ENTER key to select the value
currently being displayed for a parameter,
or to perform a function selected by the
highlighted cursor.
Press the ESCAPE key to escape from
any function back to the main menu, or to
escape from any parameter value screen
back to the menu displaying that parame-
F3 key
Press the F3 key to display a help file for
the selected function or parameter.
Main Menu
The Main Menu appears after the EV2014 program has
started. If this menu does not appear, communication
with the EV2014 has not been established; please refer
to Appendix B (Troubleshooting) if the EV2014x does
not display the Main Menu.
The Main Menu shows six functions that may be acti-
vated; see Figure 1. Use the cursor keys (arrow keys) to
position the highlighted cursor over the function to be
activated and press the ENTER key. For help, press the
F3 key, and a help note about the function appears.
Press the ESCAPE key to exit from the EV2014 pro-
The Main Menu functions are as follows:
Sends a reset command to the bq2014.
Activates a screen from which the bq2014
activity is monitored on a real-time basis.
Activates a screen from which the Digital
Magnitude Filter can be changed.
default filter value is -0.3mV, +0.38mV.
The bq2014 data sheet (Dec. 1994 B or
later) defines valid options for this filter.
<Data Log>
Allows entering a file name to which
bq2014 data will be logged, and the log-
ging period in seconds. When the log is
Rev. B Board