Provide adequate cross ventilation to clear any smoke or
odor caused by initial firings.
Notice: Use solid wood fuel only! Do not burn garbage,
or flammable fluids. Do not use coal. This appliance
is not designed to accommodate the air flow (draft)
required to properly burn coal or coal products. Do
not elevate the fire using grates or irons. Build the fire
directly on the firebrick.
This wood stove has been certified by the US EPA
to meet strict 2020 guidelines. To ensure this unit
produces the optimal minimum emissions it is critical
that only well-seasoned cordwood is burned (see the
“Fuel Recommendations” section of this manual).
Burning unseasoned wet wood only hurts your stoves
efficiency and leads to accelerated creosote buildup in
your chimney. Be considerate of the environment and
only burn dry wood.
For a cold start-up, place 4 to 5 pieces of newspaper into
the firebox. On top of the newspaper, lay 4 lbs of kindling
in random placement to ensure airflow through the
kindling. On top of the kindling, place approximately 7 lbs
of small pieces of cordwood. NOTE: Use smaller pieces of
wood during start-up and a high burn rate to increase the
stove temperature.
7 lb
Pull the air control out fully. Light the newspaper and
leave the door slightly open for about a minute. NOTE:
You may have to leave it open a bit longer, depending
on your chimney height and outdoor conditions. After
about a minute (or once your fire is well started) close
the door and allow the kindling to ignite. Once the kindling
has burned down to a starter coal bed, load the unit with
approximately 29 lbs of fuel for the first high burn load.
29 lbs
After the first high burn load and the stove is well warmed
up, adjust the unit as needed for a medium or low burn
setting. For a medium burn, once the high burn fuel load
is burned down to an established coal bed, load the unit
with 34 lbs of cordwood and close the door immediately.
Leave the air control fully open (in the “HI” position) for
5 minutes. After 5 minutes push in the air control to the
medium position (midway between the “Low” and “Hi”
34 lbs
For a low burn setting once the high burn (or medium)
fuel load is burned down to an established coal bed,
load the unit with 32 lbs of cordwood and close the door
immediately. Leave the air control fully open (in the
“HI” position) for 4.5 minutes then close halfway. After
15 minutes begin to push the air control in to the “Low”
postion (air control fully pushed in). NOTE: Do not close
the air too quickly. Closing the air too quickly will cause
the unit to smoke.
© 2021 United States Stove Company