disable, the card will no longer be detected unless it is enabled again. Tap “Enable”
to enable the card.
3. Tap “Hide” to hide I/O Card Control window.
4. Tap “Exit” to exit I/O card control.
The setting is kept after suspend and power on, however, after warm start/cold start,
the setting will be resumed to default value (which is “Enable”)
Registry Backup
Path: Start Menu/Programs/Utilities/RegBackup
This tool allows you to save the current registry or reset to factory default.
1. Select Start Menu -> Programs -> Utilities -> RegBackup.
2. Tap “Save” to save current registry settings.
3. Or tap “Restore” to reset registry to factory default. Terminal will be warm started.
(Note that “Restore” button is grey out if the registry setting was not saved before)