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TaiwanNCC Warning Statement
交通部電信總局低功率電波輻射性電機管理辦法 (930322)
第十二條 經型式認證合格之低功率射頻電機,非經許可,公司、商號或使用者
第十四條 低功率射頻電機之使用不得影響飛航安全及干擾合法通信;經發現有
Laser Information
The Unitech PA520 series is certified in the U.S. to conform to the requirements
of DHHS/CDRH 21CFR Subchapter J and to the requirements of IEC 825-1.
Class II and Class 2 products are not considered to be hazardous. The PA520
series contains internally a Visible Laser Diode (VLD) whose emissions do not
exceed the maximum limits as set forth in the above regulations. The scanner
is designed so that there is no human access to harmful laser light during
normal operation, user maintenance or prescribed service operations.
The laser safety warning label required by the DHHS/IEC for the PA520 series'
optional laser scanner module is located on the memory compartment cover,
on the back of the unit.
Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other
than those specified herein may result in hazardous laser light.
Use of optical instruments with the scanner, including binoculars,
microscopes, and magnifying glasses, with will increase eye
damage. This does not include eyeglasses worn by the user.