Keyboard settings - Extended ASCII - Send codes w/chars ignored
Keyboard settings - Extended ASCII - Do not send codes w/ext ASCII chars
Special keys transmission
- Only for use with a USB or keyboard wedge cable.
- Only symbologies that support the full ASCII character set allow the encoding
of special keyboard keys such as [Return] and [Tab].
- No symbologies support the encoding of other functions keys such as [PF1]
and [PageDown].
- The special keys transmission settings allow you to transmit special keyboard
combinations ([Ctrl] + char or [Alt] + char) as a single keyboard character.
Alt mode
- Keyboard settings only apply when using a the following interfaces:
- USB Keyboard HID
- Keyboard Wedge
- HID Keyboard Bluetooth device profile
- Emulates PC AT keyboard [[Alt] + decimal_sequence] function (for bar codes
containing ASCII characters not on your keyboard).
Keyboard settings - Special keys transmission - Alt mode - Disable (*)