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MS851B User’s Manual
3.2.4 ISBT 128
To enable or disable ISBT 128, scan the appropriate bar code below.
3.2.5 ISBT Concatenation
Select an option for concatenating pairs of ISBT code types:
• If you select
Disable ISBT Concatenation
, the engine does not concatenate
pairs of ISBT codes it encounters.
• If you select
Enable ISBT Concatenation
, there must be two ISBT codes in
order for the engine to decode and perform concatenation. The engine does
not decode single ISBT symbols.
• If you select
Autodiscriminate ISBT Concatenation
, the engine decodes
and concatenates pairs of ISBT codes immediately. If only a single ISBT
symbol is present, the engine must decode the symbol the number of times
set via ISBT Concatenation Redundancy before transmitting its data to
confirm that there is no additional ISBT symbol.