Copyright 2008 Unitech Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Unitech is a registered trademark of Unitech Electronics Co., Ltd.
Copyright 2008 Unitech Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Unitech is a registered trademark of Unitech Electronics Co., Ltd.
Figure 1.3 – MS – Dot Editor Screen
A.2.4 Uploading Graphic Logos
To copy the Logo file to the printer follow these steps:
Use a serial communication program like Telix, Procomm or Windows
HyperTerminal or Tera Term.
Check that the application is set to the same baud rate and parity as the printer.
Upload the LOGO.PRN file to the printer using a BINARY file transfer protocol.
Follow these steps to upload a logo file. Please note that all commands have to
be typed exactly as shown because the software is case sensitive.
1) Cycle the power of the printer
2) Type Esc- D-L-n (This shows the location where you want to download
the logo 0..7)
3) Wait until a question mark comes back from the printer
4) Type Esc L-G-n (can be any number and does not affect the logo
download location)
5) Send the logo file which you have just created
6) Wait for D!X response to come back from the printer. This indicates that file
transmission and storage is completed.
7) Cycle power
8) To test the LOGO.prn file issue print commands: Esc – L – g – n
Chapter 8.0
Appendix B
Three Track Magnetic Card Reader Option
A three track Magnetic Card Reader is available on the Unitech MP300 model printers.
The MC reader is designed to read magnetically encoded data from cards conforming
to ANSI/ISO 7810, 7811 standards.
The MC reader converts the F2F encoded signals on the magnetic card, to ISO7811
compatible ASCII format and transmit the information to the host computer or a
The MC reader can read one, two or three tracks simultaneously and bi-directionally.
Set of printer ESC software commands are supported in order to provide the following
operating features:
Select the MC reader.
Set the auto time-out software timer.
Report MCR Read errors.
Report MC reader status.
B.1.0 Card Specifications
The table below summarizes the format of the data stored on each magnetic track.
Track Position
Track 1
Recording Density
210 BPI
75 BPI
210 BPI
79 characters
40 characters
107 characters
Number of data
.76 mm +/- 0.08 mm
Table B.0 – Card Specifications