For example:
First press [ALPHA] to switch the system to the alpha mode, the cursor type will be changed from block to
To enter ‘A’, press the key “A” once
To get “B”, press the same key twice
To get “C”, press the same key 3 times.
Triggering Scanner Module
The HT630 can be used with a built-in integrated laser scanner module to input data. The built-in decoder
reads most barcode labels.
Users should keep laser window clean to prevent low reading rate of distorted bar code input signal.
1.9 Application Development Environment
The system of HT630 provides DOS functions and device drivers for application development, including bar
code decoding, keypad input, display output, serial input/output communication, real-time-clock access and
power management control.
The HT630 can be programmed by the high-level Windows-based JobGen Plus program generation software
or programmed by commonly used C compilers including Microsoft C, Borland C and Turbo C. An executable
program generated by JobGen Plus or created by a compiler is downloaded to the unit and run on the unit.
JobGen Plus
The JobGen Plus is a Windows-based program generator that gives the user an ease-of-use and
comprehensive terminal application development environment. Through use-of-JobGen Plus, user can
design an application program for data collection terminal by simply drawing the data collection sequence on
paper, and thus, requires minimum programming skills.
For more detailed programming information, please refer to HT630
Programming Reference Manual,
Pro User's Manual.
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