International Point of Sale: CornerStore POS
Mobile Inventory Tracking
Step 1: Browse the file from the computer
Step 2: Select the proper settings in the Select Fields. Limitation: If you select different
Separator other than one entered in HT580 you will get an error message or/else data will
not be inserted or updated properly.
Step 3: Select the proper fields’ option.
Option 1:
The option 1 includes 8 fields. You can select option 1 only when you
have set the FORM setting on hand held instrument HT580 to 8 fields.
It includes Item_No, Item_Name, Price, Cost, Stock, Department, Tax_Rate1 and
Option 2:
The option 2 includes 5 fields. You can select option 2 only when you
have set the FORM setting on hand held instrument HT580 to 5 fields.
It includes Item_No, Item_Name, Price, Stock and Department