R E A D Y . S E T . O T E !
Once your ballot is correctly marked,
place it into the ballot box or OVO Pre-
cinct Scanner.
NOTE: The scanner will take your bal-
lot in any orientation.
You are about to cast a ballot on the OVO
in-precinct scanner. The voter should
have been provided with an unmarked
paper ballot at the registration desk.
To mark your ballot,
completely fill in the
box next to the name
of the candidate for
whom you wish to
vote. Do not use an
“X” or “√” to desig-
nate your selection.
When marking your
ballot, please use only
the pen provided to
you by the polling officials.
If you have specific questions about the
ballot that was issued to you, notify a
polling official for assistance.
Many ballots have two sides to them,
especially in Primary and General Elec-
tions. Be sure that you vote both sides
of your ballot.
Once you have marked your ballot, re-
view it to ensure that you have made all
of your desired selections.
OVO Voting Instructions