This manual covers all the Unisense temperature sensors: TP2000,
TP200, and TP-MR (built into a guide) .
The standard Unisense thermosensor, TP2000, is a mineral
insulated thermocoupler with a tip diameter of 2 mm . The
thermosensor can be used for most applications where a
temperature measurement is required for monitoring or
temperature compensation purposes .
The Unisense glass thermo microsensor consists of a
thermocouple inside a tapered glass capillary . This sensor can
be used to determine temperature micro gradients in different
environments e .g . hot springs biofilms, compost piles, and
sediments with steep temperature gradients due to volcanic
activity . With tip diameters down to 200 microns, the Unisense
temperature microsensor facilitates temperature measurements
with a very high spatial resolution .
Left: a TP-MR and a TP200 glass
temperature sensor
Right: A TP2000 temperature sensor
Unisense sensors
are neither
intended nor
approved for use
on humans