Unique XC-142 Manual Download Page 1






., LTD

Summary of Contents for XC-142

Page 1: ...XC 142 使用说明书 Manual 优雷特航空模型有限公司 UNIQUE MODEL TECH CO LTD ...

Page 2: ...e rear wheel componen 机翼安装 8 Wings Installation 安装垂尾 10 Vertical Tail Installation 安装平尾 10 Horizontal Tail Installation 安装旋转机构舱盖 11 Rotating Mechanism Hatch Installation 安装塑胶装饰件 11 Plastic Decoration Installation 安装机翼泡沫装饰件 12 Foaming Decoration Installation 安装螺旋桨 13 Propeller Installation 飞机调试 14 Aircraft Testing 遥控器和飞机飞行控制器的中立位匹配调校方法 14 Calibration Method 特别提醒 14 Special Reminder 问题排除解答 17 Proble...

Page 3: ...ing the product is wanrrantied against manufacturing defects such as serious deformation or missing parts but not shipping damege Please inspect the packaging for damage that may have occurred in transit before accepting the package 2 模型产品是易损产品 正确使用不会造成部件损坏 使用不当均会造成个别部件损坏 对于初学者更是容易损坏 电机 电调 舵机 模型机身等 短时间内损坏都不属质量 问题 厂家不给予维修和退换赔偿服务 Model plane is perishable product the correct use does not caused dama...

Page 4: ...3 XC 142 w w w u n i q u e m o d e l r c c o m T E L 8 6 7 6 9 8 9 0 6 2 2 2 6 产品组装分解图 Product assembly diagram ...

Page 5: ...or output 右电机输出 Right motor output 左电机输出 Left motor output 副翼输入 Aileron input 升降输入 Elevator input 油门输入 Throttle input 方向输入 Rudder input 平衡仪输入 Balance input 切换开关输入 Transfer switch input 遥控器校准 Remote calibration 三轴水平方向正反向 3 axis level forward and reverse 固定翼副翼舵正反向 Aileron forward and reverse 固定翼升降舵正反向 Elevator forward and reverse 固定翼方向舵正反向 Rudder forward and reverse 平衡仪正反舵开关 Balance adjustment switc...

Page 6: ... 个 3 个正牙 2 个反牙 Motor 2212 550kv 5 电调 30 安 5 个 高压版系列 ESC 30A 5 6 UBEC 电源转换器 5V 3A 1 个 支持 6s 电池 UBEC 5V 3A 7 1045 主桨 4 个 2 个正向 2 个反向 Propeller 1045 positive 2 negative 2 8 8060 尾桨 1 个 正向 tail 8060 1 9 舵机 4 个 9 克 Servo 9g 4 10 舵机 1 个 16 克 Servo 16g 1 11 空机重量 2 公斤 KIT weight 2kg 12 六通道遥控器 自配 6ch Transmitter Self distribution 13 电池 6s 2600mAh 35c 自配 Battery 6s 2600mAH 35C Self distribution 以下图是飞机飞行重心位置...

Page 7: ... and Switch 不要在高压电线附近飞行 Do not fly near power lines 不要在下雨天飞行 Do not fly in rainy day 不要在 5 米 秒或者 18 千米 小时 3 级风以上的天气飞行 Do not fly in 5m s or 18km h more than 3 level winds 不要在阳光下暴晒 Do not store in direct sunlight 不要在城市 村庄 建筑物附近飞行 Do not fly near trees or buildings 不要在有电磁波干扰的地区飞行 Do not fly near sources of electromagnetic interference The following is prohibited flying ...

Page 8: ... unpack parts view 后轮组件安装 rear wheel component installation 机翼及旋转机构 Wing and the rotating mechanis m 机身 Fuselage 左 右 平 尾 Horizontal tail 主桨 4 把 Main prop 尾桨 1 把 Tail prop 装 饰 附 件 包 decoration parts bag 机翼装饰件 Wings decoration parts 垂 尾 Vertical tail tail 后轮组件The rea r wheel component 后轮组件安装 rear wheel component installation 涂上胶水 sizing ...

Page 9: ...stall 2 机翼动力电源线接好 Docking power lines 3 穿好机翼控制线 Get through well wing s control line 再 打 开 后 上 舱 盖 open the hatch 先拆下旋转舱盖 First remove the rotation hatch covers 对 接 好 动 力 电 源 线 Docking power lines 注意 红黑线别接错 Attention do not do wrong on black and red lines 从这里穿过舵机线和控制线 Go through servo line and control line 整理好线 Tidy up the line ...

Page 10: ... 轻轻的按下旋转机构 Gently pr ess the rotating mechanism 确定旋转机构安装到位 Determine the rotating mechanism installed in place 安装左侧两颗固定螺丝 Mounted on the left side of the two fixed screw 安装右侧两颗固定螺丝 Mounted on the right side of the two fixed screw 按控制线上和飞控板 右图 上的标签连接 注意检查连接线不要插错和插反 And flight control board right in the line of the label on the connection check not to wrong cable and plug 参考说明书第 4 页接线图 Refer to th e...

Page 11: ...he fuselage 翻过机身把舵机线对插好 Over the fus elage and plug steering gear for good 涂胶固定垂尾 Glue and fixed vertical tail 先涂胶固定一边的加固碳管Glue and retaining side of the tubes 再涂胶固定一边到垂尾上 Glue fixed on one side to the vertical tail 涂胶另一边的加固碳管槽里glue on the other side of the carbon n anotubes reinforced tank 再涂胶固定另一边到垂尾上 glue and mounted on the other side of glue on the vertical tail 对齐固定垂尾到机身 Alignment fixed verti...

Page 12: ...e and insert the fuselage 安 装 螺 丝 到 旋 转 机 构 的 滑 槽 里 Install screws into the rotation mechanism of the chute 把舱盖上的安装螺丝退出一点 Get the srcrew on hatch cover exit a little 安装好以后仔细检查是否装好 Carefully check whether installed after installed 涂胶并安装到飞机的卡槽里 Glue a nd install to the plane in the card slot 涂胶并安装到飞机舱盖的卡槽里 Glue and ins tall to the plane hatch cover in the card slot 安装完毕检查各个安装部位和连接线 是否可靠 Examining th...

Page 13: ...at left airplane wings 涂胶并安装到飞机机翼右端的卡槽里 Glue and in stall to aircraft wings to the right in the card slot 涂胶并安装到飞机机翼左端内侧的卡槽里 Glue and ins tall into the inside left card slot on airplane wings 涂胶并安装到飞机机翼左端外侧的卡槽里 Glue and ins tall into the inside left card slot on airplane wings 涂胶并安装到飞机机翼右端内侧的卡槽里 Glue and ins tall into the inside left card slot on airplane wings 涂胶并安装到飞机机翼右端外侧的卡槽里 Glue and ins tall...

Page 14: ...tion 安装完毕检查各个安装的螺旋桨是否可靠 Check whether t he installation of the propeller and reliable installation 安装到飞机机翼右端的两个螺旋桨 Installed on the right side two propeller airplane wings 安装到飞机机翼左端的两个螺旋桨 Installed on t he left side two propeller airplane wings 安装到飞机尾电机的 1 个螺旋桨 Installation a propeller on airplane tail motor ...

Page 15: ...型下飞行 Setting fixed wing plane mode 3 遥控器各个通道输出比例设置如右图 Channel output setting shows in below 4 请把遥控器 1 5 通道全部设置为正向 Please put the remote control from 1 to 5 channels all set to p ositive 1 通道 副翼 1CH AIL 2 通道 升降 2CH ELE 3 通道 油门 3CH THR 4 通道 方向 4CH RUD 5 通道 开关 5CH GEA 5 遥控器各通道请微调到中立位置 各通道大小舵量请调整到正负 100 Trim the transmitter in neutral position each channel adjusts to plus or minus 100 6 参考第 4 页接线图纸连接接...

Page 16: ...the battery again 5 飞控板上绿色的灯会有节奏闪烁 然后迅速将油门杆和升降杆同时打向 45 度 左下方 飞控上的灯会高频率快速闪动 然后同时松开油门和升降杆 校准完成 When the green lights on the control panel flashing rhythmically then quickly lift both throttle and elevator 45 degrees to the lower left After the light flash fast release the throttle and elevator then calibration finished 6 断开电池电源 Disconnect the power 7 拔掉校准线 Pull out the calibration wire 8 再次连接电池 Conn...

Page 17: ...e elevator surface should go upward 4 When climbing nose turns up the elevator surface should go downward 5 The plane left the nose level the rudder to the right the nose level right Rudder to the left please refer to the video 3 将机翼垂直状态检查项目 1 将机翼垂直状态 水平旋转机身 机头向左 尾电机向左偏转为正确 2 机头向右 尾电机向右偏转为正确 请参考视频 3 check the vertical wing state projects 1 the vertical wing state horizontal rotate the fuselage hea...

Page 18: ...ingly for acceleration and deceleration to keep balance in pitching 问题排除解答 Problem out solutions 特别提醒 在油门解锁的情况下切换机翼模式尾电机会自动旋转 请注意安全 避免照成伤害 不正常问题的排除方法 以上所有步骤调试后如果出现不正常现象 请对照接线图纸检查飞 控的各连接线是否正确 如果接线正确 请按以上步骤重新调试 可 以重新校准 Reminder When throttle is unlocked the tail motor will rotate automatically once you change flying mold take care of your safety to avoid any injury How to solve the problems If you f...

Page 19: ...trim the elevator in neutral position when you change to outdoor flight 5 因为本产品是固定翼飞机和多旋翼飞机的混合体 结构比较复杂 飞机比较重 所以在 3 轴飞行中请不要大幅度收油门 会造成飞机下坠无法挽回 5 th This item owns both fixed wing and multi copter features the structure is complicated and the aircraft is heavy pls do not close the throttle in a biggest way when it flies in 3 axis mold otherwise the plane will falling and might be crushed 6 请不要在 5 米 秒...

Page 20: ...机翼风阻比较大 可以连续切换固定翼状态 使飞机飞到自己附近 再停止切换保持垂直状态降落 请推最大升降舵向前 油 门控制高度下降 因为低处风相对比较小 飞机低头需要克服机翼带来的风阻力 11 th if the wind is bigger switch to a state of vertical wing wind resistance is bigger can be continuous switch fixed wing state to let plane flew near to yourself then stop switch remain vertical landing please push the biggest elevator forward throttle control height decreased because of lower wind is r...

Page 21: ...步 切换模式开关 2step transfer switch 第四步 升降舵最大推杆并减小油门 4step elevator push in the end and reduce throttle XC 142 固定翼切换垂直降落方法 XC 142 Dynavert Tilt wing VTOL step 注意 请不要在 5 米 秒或 18km 小时 3 级风以上的风速下飞行 Attention Do not fly in 5m s or 18km h more than 3 level winds 风的方向 wind directio n 1 2 3 4 风的方向 wind directio n 按照上面的步骤进行切换姿态会比较柔和 Accordance with above steps will be more softly when we convert position ...

Page 22: ...广东省东莞市大朗镇水口村金沙二路益众科技园 A1 栋 4 楼 电 话 86 769 89062226 传 真 86 769 89062227 邮 编 523785 ADD 4 F Building A1 Yizhong Science and technology park Jinsha Road two ShuiKou Villiage Dalang Town DongGuan Tel 86 769 89062226 Fax 86 769 89062227 www uniquemodelrc com E mail sales02 uniquemodelrc com ...

Page 23: ...22 w w w u n i q u e m o d e l r c c o m T E L 8 6 7 6 9 8 9 0 6 2 2 2 6 ...
