Frequently Asked Questions:
The NBB-1616 fails to power recycling. And the power indicator LED and the LEDs on the buttons keep
This problem sometimes happens when the device has been worked in a warmer environment for quite a
long time. The high temperature in the device triggers the temperature protector in the device so that the
device cannot startup normally. Simply turn off the device and wait for more than 20 seconds, you should
be able to successfully startup the device again.
Why does the status LED for 48KHz, 96KHz, or 192KHz flash for every 2 seconds?
This informs you that the NBB-1616 currently works in sample rate of multiple of 44.1KHz, instead of
multiple of 48KHz. That is to say, the device works in sample rate of 44.1KHz, 88.2KHz, or 176.3KHz
Why does the status LED of 1Gbps flash for a couple of seconds right after the device is powered on?
The LED flashing indicates that the word clock of NBB-1616 is still not yet synced to the master clock
from Dante network. Once the word clock of the NBB-1616 is successfully synced, the flashing ceases.
Please be noted that the LED may keep flashing if the device is not linked to any Dante network.
Why is not the working sample rate of the NBB-1616 reflect the setting of DIP switches on the rear
panel of the device?
Besides the DIP switches on the rear panel, the working sample rate of the NBB-1616 can also be
changed by other Dante-enabled controllers in the same network. For example, a computer running
Dante Controller software can remotely configure the sample rate setting of NBB-1616. To figure out
what the sample rate is actually selected in the device, please always look into the sample rate status
LEDs on the front panel.
Why are not all the channels paired with channels on the remote device after I long press the P2P Pairing
Sometimes the device on the remote site does not respond promptly so that some channels are not paired.
Simple press the P2P Pairing button and try again should be able to have all channels paired with the
channels on the remote site successfully.
After I long press the P2P Pairing button, the channels in the NBB-1616 are paired to the channels on the
device which is not expected.
NBB-1616 always looks for the other UNiKA device for channel pairing first. If it can't find any other
UNiKA device in the network, the 1st device responding would be eligible for channel pairing process. If
your application requires to have the NBB-1616 to pair to a particular Dante-enabled device in the
network, simply turn-off the other devices or unplug the RJ45 network cables to them before you long
press the P2P Pairing button.
I long press the P2P Pairing button to start an auto pairing process, but it fails and ends with ERR
During the auto pairing process, the NBB-1616 browses the network and waits for 2 seconds to see if
there is any Dante-enabled device in the network. Sometimes the device on the remote site might not
promptly respond to the browsing message and the NBB-1616 may end the browsing process with ERR
message on the front panel. Simply press the P2P Pairing button again to launch another browsing
activity, the NBB-1616 should be able to find the remote device and complete the auto pairing process.
Why is there no audio transferred?
For any two devices to be able to transfer audio in between, both of the devices must work in the same
sample rate and the word clocks of both devices must be synced to same master clock from the Dante
network. You can know the working sample rate of NBB-1616 from the sample rate status LEDs on the
front panel. And the 1Gbps status LED flashes if word clock of the NBB-1616 is neither synced to a
master clock nor eligible to be a clock master. For the other non-UNiKA devices which do not have
dedicated status LED, you can still find their sample rate and syncing information from the Dante
Controller software.