EDID Editor
EDID Editor
main window is divided into three logical areas. The bottom part of the
window contains the command buttons, and the log view. The top-left portion shows the
currently edited E-EDID blocks in a tree-form, and the top-right portion shows an edit
control for the currently selected item, possibly a list of sub-keys and their names (The list
is not shown for all values) and the HEX-view of the block collection.
Command Buttons
Load an EDID block collection file from disk.
Save the current block collection to a disk file.
Show Hex:
Show or Hide the HEX view.
Show Log:
Show or Hide the Log view.
EDID Editor Features
The EDID Editor currently supports VESA E-EDID block versions 1.3 and 1.4. As the
standard defines, the versions 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 are supposed to be backward compatible, and
therefore the VESA E-EDID decoder will also show their contents. However, in these cases
it should be noted that the error checking is not compliant with restrictions given in these
older versions of the standard. In addition to VESA E-EDID block, the CEA-861 versions
1, 2 and 3 EDID blocks are also fully supported as well as the VESA Block Map Extension
Practically unlimited number of extension blocks may exist in a single collection. The
number of blocks is limited by VESA Specifications and possibly by available system
resources. Most EDID blocks contain a structure that is very similar to a tree-structure. The
EDID Editor decodes each block into a tree-view of the block. The tree-view then contains
all values contained within the EDID block. The contents can then be easily browsed, using
only a few mouse clicks. The EDID Editor has a support for automatic variables, such as
the block checksum. When the user changes a value in an EDID block, the tool will update
the checksum accordingly. The automatic variables appear as read only values for the user.
A log print will be made when an automatic variable is updated by the editor.
HEX View
: An optional HEX data display of all blocks in the collection. The view also
shows the latest changes highlighted.
LOG View
: An optional LOG view, which will contain log prints generated by the editor.
Mostly it will list values that have been automatically updated due to edits.