A31003-C1000-M101-1-76A9, 03/2016
OpenScape Desk Phone CP200/400/600, Administrator Documentation
System Settings
Resilience and Survivability
To allow for stable operation even in case of network or server failure, OpenScape Desk Phone
CP200/400/600 phones have the capability of switching to a fallback system. The switchover
is controlled by various configurable check and timeout intervals.
Survivability is achieved in two different ways:
1. DNS SRV can be used for enhanced survivability, either in a scenario with a survivability
proxy, or in a scenario with multiple primary SIP servers. The DNS server provides the
phone with a prioritized list of SIP servers via DNS SRV. The phone fetches this list peri-
odically from the server, depending on the TTL (time to live) specified for the DNS SRV
To enable DNS SRV requests from the phone, please make the following settings:
Specifiy the IP address of the DNS server that provides the server list via DNS SRV.
The web interface path is Network > General IP configuration > Primary DNS. For de-
tails, see Section, “DNS Servers”.
Enable the use of an outbound proxy for routing outbound requests. The web interface
path is System > SIP interface > Outbound proxy. For details, see Section,
“Outbound Proxy”.
If the SIP server is to be configured by DNS SRV, set the SIP server port to 0. The web
interface path is Network > Port configuration > SIP server. The SIP server address is
specified in System > Registration > SIP server address. For details, see SIP Ports.
For details, see Section, “SIP Ports”.
As SIP gateway address, enter the DNS domain name for which the DNS SRV records
are valid. The web interface path is System > Registration > SIP gateway address.
If the SIP server is to be configured by DNS SRV, set the mentioned parameter to the
DNS domain name for which the DNS SRV records are valid. The SIP server address
is specified in System > Registration > SIP server address. For details, see Section, “SIP Addresses”.
A survivability proxy acts as a relay between the phone and the primary SIP server. Thus,
the address of the survivability proxy is specified as gateway or SIP server at the phone
(see Section 3.6.7, “SIP Registration”). When the TLS connection between the survivability
proxy and the SIP server breaks down, e. g. because of server failure, the survivable proxy
itself acts as a replacement for the primary SIP server. Vice versa, in case the phone can
not reach the survivability proxy itself, it will register directly with the primary SIP server,
provided that it is specified in the DNS SRV server list.
The survivability proxy notifies the phone whenever the survivability changes, so it can in-
dicate possible feature limitations to the user. Furthermore, to enhance survivability, the
phone will be kept up-to-date about the current survivability state even after a restart.