BevFlex-4X Installation Manual Rev 2.23 November 2019
Figure-19 Jumper settings for Beverage/BOG
Figure-20 Jumper settings for EWE/FLAG/VE3DO
Use care when reinstalling the cover. Partially install all four screws before tightening them down to prevent stripping the
case brass inserts. The cover must be installed with the Unified Microsystems URL towards the F connector.
8. Using Other Coax Switches
The BevFlex-4X Switch Unit provides two purposes. One is that it selects the coax for the desired listening direction. The
other function is to terminate the unused coax in 75 ohms. This is required for proper operation of the antenna. Running
multiple coax runs to the shack may be undesirable, especially if you have multiple BevFlex-4X systems to cover all
You can use a remote switch to bring a single line back to the shack. It is important to ensure that unused coax lines from
the switch to the Feed Units are terminated with a 75 non-inductive resistor. Commercial coax switches for transmitting
use normally leave unselected ports open or shorted to ground. Some remote switches designed for receive antennas
terminate unused ports, but they might be 50 or 75 ohms. You will need to verify that the switch you use provides the
proper 75 Ohm termination, and if necessary, make modifications.
9. Troubleshooting the BevFlex-4X System
To fully test all the components of the BevFlex-4X system, you will need an RF antenna analyzer in addition to an
Ohmmeter. The RF analyzer is required because most of the connectors on the BevFlex-4X system components are
terminated in transformers, which will measure as very low resistance readings on an Ohmmeter. There are a few simple
DC measurements that can be made using an Ohmmeter with the ability to measure low values of resistance to verify that
the transformer windings are intact and the coaxial cables are correctly connected.
Before measuring the DC resistance on the BevFlex-4X components, verify your Ohmmeter is calibrated to read zero
ohms when the test leads are shorted together.
Terminator Unit DC resistance measurements:
The resistance measured with an Ohmmeter from the center pin of the “F” connector to the outer shield on the
end termination unit should measure less than 1 Ohm showing that the transformer winding is intact.
The resistance measured with an Ohmmeter from terminal #1 to terminal #2 on the end termination unit should be
less than 1 Ohm showing that the other transformer winding is intact.