RU 14
UTV 97
numerical values to go upwards and press and hold it for 2 seconds to be
able to make them go more rapidly.
In time mode, press this to choose from 12-hour mode to 24-
hour mode. In both time mode and alarm mode, press this also to lei
numerical values go downwards and press and hold it for 2 seconds to
be able to make them go more rapidly.
In alarm mode, press this to turn on or turn off alarm
REC: Press and hold this without stopping to practice recording.
After installing battery or under any other abnormal condi-tion,
use a small pointed object to press this button on the rear of the null and
all numerical value will go back to the originally basic value. Then reset
as needed the correct time, date and alarm, etc.
This carefully-designed unit offers several features that make it ideal for
various uses:
1. Operates as a clock:
Usually on the display shows such informa-tion
as month, date, week, hour and minute, etc. User may reset the above
information preferably. Numerical value shows year counts within a scale of
200 year (from 1900 lo 2099) mode.
2. Operates as a thermometer:
The numerical value of automatically-
surveyed temperature scans between -9.9°C and 50.0°C, operating in
Celsius mode or Fahrenheit mode.
3. Operate as a hygrometer:
The numerical value of automatically-surveyed
humidity scans between 20% and 95%. One of the three icons «Dry»,
«Comfort» and «Wet» appears on the display.
4. Weather reporting:
Varied Cartoons symbols show on the display dif-
ferent weather conditions, such as »
ne», rainy’, «cloudy’, or «from sunny to
cloudy etc, with an moving arrow to forecast future weather trend.
ne days, sun symbol appears on the display in the daytime while star
and moon symbol in the evening.
5. Multi-language displaying:
There are 8 languages on the display to show
«week»: ENG, DEU, FRA, IT
6. Digital recording:
The clock operates 6-second recording and it can be
used to play and record in
7. Recording for alarm:
The unit operates in normal timing alarm mode or