Maritime Radio Services Operation
You are required to comply with the Rules and Regulations set
forth by the Federal Communications Commission. A complete set
of FCC Marine Radio Rules may be purchased from the US
Government Printing Office by requesting “Volume IV of the FCC
Rules.” Some of the important rules follow:
You must obtain a Ship’s Station License by making
application to the FCC on FCC Form 506. A copy of this
form is included with your radio. An Interim Ship’s Station
License may be obtained by personal appearance at your
local FCC Field Office. The Ship’s Station License must
be posted at the station location.
A Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit (or higher
grade license) must also be obtained from the FCC in
order to legally operate your transmitter in international
waters. Application is to be made on FCC Form 753. An
interim permit is automatically granted upon submission of
your application.
You must keep a current copy of the appropriate FCC
You must maintain a log book in which you record all calls
and full transmitter maintenance records.
Your transmitter must be verified to be in compliance with
current FCC requirements by an appropriately licensed
technician. This has been done at the factory for your
MC535. A signed Certificate of Compliance Card is
included with your radio and should be kept with your log
You may not make transmitter tuning adjustments unless
you are the holder of a valid first or second class
commercial license issued by the FCC. Please request
the assistance of your Uniden Marine Dealer and your
nearest FCC Field Office if you need other than a Ship’s
Station License.
Tue Sep 08 10:53:57 1998
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