3. Click IP search to search the IP address of GNC 701/710.
4. Once the GNC 701/710 IP address found, tick the device. You may
tick more devices if you have 2 or more GNC 701/710 connected to
the same network. Click
to add selected device(s) to the Added
Device list.
5. When status showing green dot indicates the connection is good while
red dot indicates connection failed. You may click in the Added
Device box to edit GNC 701/710 password if the connection fail or
showing invalid password at live view interface. The default password
is “admin”.
6. Right click the mouse button to exit Remote Device window.
2. Remote Device window shows up.
This quick start guide is for reference only. User interface may be different from actual product.
If there is any unclear or controversy, please visit Uniden website or call Uniden Australia.