Configuration Commands
UM4B0 supports abbreviated ASCII format. Simplified ASCII format without check bit
is more accessible to user commands. All commands are composed of a log heading
and configuration parameters (If parameters are null, there will be only one heading
in the command). Header field contains the command name or message headers.
UM4B0 is simple to use, and common instructions are shown in the following table:
Command Name
Restore the factory default settings.
Note: the factory set baud rate is 115200 bps.
Query version information for all components.
Query status of the serial port
mask GPS
Mask (disable) tacking of GPS system satellites,
BDS/GPS/GLO/GAL systems are all supported to disable
unmask BDS
Unmask (enable) BDS system satellites,
BDS/GPS/GLO/GAL systems are all supported to enable
config com1 115200
Configure com1 port operating at 115200 baud rate.
The usable COM ports are COM1, COM2, and COM3.
The baud rate could be 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600,
115200, 230400, 460800 bps
Disable all outputs of the port in use
Save the settings
Base/Rover Station Settings
mode base time 60 1.5 2.5
Within 60 seconds of the automatic positioning of the
receiver, or when the standard deviation of horizontal
positioning is no more than 1.5 m and that of vertical
positioning is no more than 2.5 m, set the average value
of the horizontal and vertical positioning results as the
fixed base station coordinates.
The base station coordinates are automatically set in this
Restarting the receiver triggers a new calculation and
mode base lat lon height
Set datum coordinates manually: latitude, longitude,
Datum coordinates are fixed, when restarting the
receiver. For example,
Note: Longitude and latitude can be obtained by GGA
The Southern Hemisphere corresponds to a negative
latitude value;
The Western Hemisphere corresponds to a negative
longitude value
mode base
Set the default base station mode