UT986eb User Manual
UC-08-M37 EN R1.0
Power Supply
Backup Power Supply
When using the hot start function of the module UT986, you need to provide backup power
for the module.
The input range of V_BCKP is 2.0 V to 3.6 V.
Nominal Voltage:3V
Nominal Capacity:3.0mAh
Figure 3-5 Backup Power Circuit
Figure 3-6 Backup Power Circuit on the Bottom of EB
When the backup battery supplies power to V_BCKP, the battery charging circuit
should be designed to prevent reverse current to ensure that the battery only
supplies power to V_BCKP and the current does not flow back into the 3.3 V power
domain, as the D29 shows in Figure 3-5.
According to the maximum charging current of the battery, a current-limiting
resistor should be added, as the R41 shows in Figure 3-5.
V_BCKP can also be powered through the test point TP7. Removing R42,
connecting a power supply wire at TP7 and a ground wire at TP4, you can use an
external power to supply V_BCKP. This method can be used to measure the supply