b. Earth Voltage Testing:Select function OFF to EARTH VOLTAGE, LCD display will
show voltage, connect test leads in V and E, then connect to the testing point,
LCD display will show earth voltage value (Attention:measure earth voltage does
not need to press TEST button). If the measuring value>10V, then it need to
switch-off all the related voltage equipment. Wait until the earth voltage decrease,
and then do it again. Otherwise, it will affect the accuracy of earth resistance.
Earth voltage testing only work in V and E, C and P connecting cable must be
separated. Otherwise, it will cause danger and damage the Tester.
c. Earth Resistance Testing:Select function OFF to EARTH RESISTANCE 4000
(Maximum),press"TEST"button, LCD display will show earth resistance value. If
the resistance value <400 ,then select function from OFF to earth resistance
400 ,LCD display will show earth resistance value. If the resistance value
<40 ,then select function from OFF to earth resistance 40 ,LCD display will
show earth resistance value; Of course, you can follow the other selecting order
for testing. In summary, you need to select the best measurement position to
measure for getting the best accuracy.