Decrease of blasting
Vacuum efficiency
The abrasive blasting
substance escapes
between the hair of
the brush.
Most probable cause
1. Low air pressure.
2. Wet abrasive blasting
3. Dirty filter.
4. The abrasive blasting
substance is "worn out"
or pellets are too small.
5. Clogged pistol.
1. Dirty filter.
2. Clogged piping or leakage in
the vacuum piping.
3. Insufficient air flow.
1. The air pressure is too high.
2. The vacuum system is clogged.
Possible solution
Inspect the hoses and the compressor
for air leakage.
Make sure that the air supply (m
/min) is
suitable for your machine and the vacuum
The supplied air must be dry and clean.
Install filter inside the air piping.
Clean the filter thoroughly.
Change the abrasive substance for new
Disconnect the air supply hose and
power cable. Unscrew the nozzle and
using thin wire or pick remove the
Clean the filter thoroughly.
Inspect the passageway and complete-
ness of the vacuum piping and clean it if
Inspect the supplied air volume (m
at the air supply source.
Inspect and set the correct air pressure if
Inspect the passageway and complete-
ness of the vacuum piping and clean or
change it if needed.
To keep the overall output of your machine on top, keep your machine clean.
Keep your tools clean. Dirt from tools may enter the inner machine mechanism and cause damages to the
tools or machine.
Do not use aggressive cleaning solution or paint thinners to clean the machine.
Clean plastic parts with soft cloth dipped in soapy water.
Clean and lubricate metal surfaces with a cloth dipped in paraffin oil.
If you are not using your machine, conserve it with grease and store it in dry place to prevent corrosion.
In accordance with the applicable law, brushes and nozzles are considered as expandable material
and are not covered by the warranty policy.
Detailed description of the use of this device is not included in this manual, because the manufactu-
rer / distributor assumes that the user is experienced in similar type of work. Also according to the
applicable law, this device is considered as a commonly sold and used tool. If the user is unfamiliar
with the use of this device, we recommend finding out more information about using this device at
the Department of work safety.
To keep your machine in good working conditions and to comply with safety rules do the following regularly:
Change dirty and worn out abrasive substance.
Inspect the blasting and the air nozzle. Change it for new one if needed. If you use worn out nozzles you
may damage the pistol.
Inspect all parts of your machine that may be worn out due to abrasive substance impact.
When the operational life of your device is over, dispose off it in accordance with valid rules and regulations.
Your product is made of metal and plastic parts that may be recycled when separated.
1. Disassemble all parts.
2. Separate all parts according to the material they are made of (e.g. metals, rubber, plastics, etc.).
Take the separated parts to the recycling facility near you.
3. Electrical waste (used electrical power tools, electric motors, recharging equipment, electronics,
accumulators, batteries etc.).
Dear customer. In accordance with the valid regional rules and regulations describing the management of
electrical waste, electrical waste is considered dangerous.
Disposal of electrical waste must be therefore handled as dangerous waste in accordance with waste
management rules valid in the state you are in.
It is prohibited to mix electrical waste with regular household waste.
You may return your used electrical appliance to a recycling facility near you. More information about
electrical and dangerous waste disposal may be obtained from your local authority or from the Internet.