Congratulations on your purchase of a new SuperMac
C600x computer
system by UMAX Computer Corporation (referred to herein as UMAX
Computer). The SuperMac
C600x uses a PowerPC™ 603e processor that
handles your processing-intensive work easily.
The SuperMac C600x will run the Apple Mac™ OS system software ver-
sion 7.5.3 revision 2 or later and Macintosh
applications. The Super-
Mac C600x runs applications accelerated for
Power Macintosh™
The first time you start up your computer, a registration window
appears giving you an opportunity to register your SuperMac C600x
computer. If you are connected to a modem, the transfer process takes
less than a minute and the call is toll-free within North America. If
you are not connected to a modem, you can print and mail the com-
pleted registration card to UMAX Computer Corporation.
If you prefer,
a pre-printed registration card is also included with your SuperMac
C600x computer.
You will find other registration materials, including the registration
for your Mac OS software, in the box as well. Be sure to complete and
return all registration materials as instructed by the various provid-
About This Guide
Here’s a brief summary of what you’ll find in this guide:
Chapter 1, Unpacking and Setup,
explains how to unpack, set up, and
connect your SuperMac C600x computer.
Chapter 2, Fundamentals and Getting Help,
explains how to use the
Macintosh Guide, and explains common features and terminology of
the Macintosh operating system.
Chapter 3, Connecting Additional Equipment
, explains how to connect
external hardware that you may want to use with your SuperMac
C600x computer.