www.ultrative.com
Ultrative
Communication
Speakerphone
‐
or
press
Line
button
for
the
appropriate
line,
‐
or
press
End
Hang
up
while
using
the
Headset
‐‐
Press
Handset
button,
(
Do
not
keep
the
headset
mode)
,
‐
or
press
End
(keep
the
headset
mode)
Hang
up
one
call,
but
preserve
another
call
on
the
other
line
‐‐
Press
End
,
‐
or
refer
to
the
above
three
methods
3.5.9
Using
Hold
and
Recover
(Switch
Calling
Line)
You
can
hold
and
resume
calls.
You
can
take
a
call
in
one
line
at
anytime,
and
the
other
lines
would
be
hold.
As
a
result
of
that,
you
can
switch
different
calling
line
on
our
phone.Note:If
the
phone
isn’t
have
the
hold
button,
Please
using
the
soft
key.
If
you
want
to...
Then...
Put
a
call
on
hold
‐‐
Press
button,
‐
or
press
soft
key
Hold
a
line
and
switch
to
another
line
Press
another
Line
button
for
the
appropriate
line
Resume
a
call
on
current
line
‐‐
Press
Line
button,
Release
a
call
on
different
line
Select
the
line
want
to
release
hold,
press
the
line,
so
recovery;
•
Engaging
the
Hold
feature
typically
generates
music
or
a
beeping
tone.
•
held
call
is
indicated
by
the
Yellow
‐
green
and
flashing
Line
button
or
Hold
in
the
3.5.10
Transferring
Calls
Transfer
redirects
a
connected
call.
The
target
is
the
number
to
which
you
want
to
transfer
the
call.
Talk
to
the
transfer
recipient
before
‐‐
1)
Press
button
or
press
‐‐
2)
Enter
number;