Operating Procedure
Before operating the IceJet a site review is required. As the IceJet is capable if dispensing large quantities of Co2 in a room the
air exchange properties of the room must be determined. (See sample calculation below) Due to the nature of the Dewar tank
(low pressure system) some Co2 is consumed to keep the liquid Co2 cold. This Co2 is released around the tank. If early delivery is
required anticipate the loss of Co2 and the storage ventilation requirements. As both high and low IceJets require large tanks
have safe handling and transportation requirements prearranged.
The Ice jet must be connected to a grounded supply of at least 2/1 amps (110 v/220 v) free of electrical interference.
. While connecting the tank adapter check the sealing disk is clean and not worn. Inspect the burst disk for damage.
Inspect hoses for wear, blisters and cracks. While connecting fitting ensure they seat properly. Replace any component,
which is not in good repair.
4 . The IceJet produces thrust when operating. Place the IceJet on a flat surface and securely fasten it. Four mounting holes
are provided. An optional truss clamp may be used mounted to the ½” side hole. Position the nozzle to the desired direction
and tighten it in place.
Wear properly rated and fitting safety glasses and gloves. Hazards from pressure and freezing are present. On the low-
pressure operation the tank pressure should be above 300 psi. Open the pressure builder 1 hour before ShowTime. Connect to
the liquid line on the tank. On a high-pressure cylinder use only dip tube equipped cylinders that allow liquid withdrawal. Slow
crack the tank valve watching and listening for leaks. If all is ok then open valves fully then close them back ½ turn.
The IceJet produces loud noise and high velocity flow during operation. Ensure the safety of persons and property around the
nozzle discharge. If controlling the IceJet from a lighting console place it on a non-dimming circuit to prevent damage. Apply the
correct voltage and the solenoid will open. You will note the sound change as the liquid Co2 makes its way to the valve. This
could take several seconds for long hose runs. The red band on the nozzle adjusts the amount of air drawn into the Co2 stream.
The size of the effect varies with the moisture concentration of the air. More moisture means more cloud formation.
The low-pressure IceJet will give better performance due to the chilled Co2 but the use of Dewars can be restrictive for some
applications. The high-pressure IceJet allows for smaller cylinders, which are easier to store, handle and acquire.
When finished with the IceJet turn off the tank valve (caution as it may be cold). Turn on the IceJet to allow the pressure to
escape. Leave the valve on several second extra to allow all the Co2 to flash off. Now disconnect the hose and tank adapter.