Customer Service: 888-269-7477
CapTel users do not have to pay for the cost of using the captioning service,
it is provided at no cost to people with hearing loss through a fund
monitored by the FCC. The FCC wants to make sure that CapTel users
understand that – even though there is no cost to you – the federal
program pays a per-minute cost for use of the service.
12. If you agree with the statement, touch
Per FCC regulations, only people who are registered may use the CapTel
phone when the captions feature is turned on. Others may use your phone
as long as the CAPTIONS button is turned off. The display asks that you
don’t allow people who are not registered to use your CapTel phone when
the captions feature is on.
13. If you agree with the statement, touch
Registration Terms and Conditions
I understand that the cost of captioning each Internet
Protocol captioned telephone call is funded through a
federal program.
Registration Terms and Conditions
I will not permit, to the best of my ability, persons who
have not registered to use Internet Protocol captioned
telephone service to make captioned telephone calls on
my registered IP captioned telephone service or device.