Ultraflex B47 Installation Instructions Manual Download Page 6

Summary of Contents for B47

Page 1: ...p nding on r c s ltith tho scr ws Z 11 R fsr to explod rd T R23 FtG 3 d on th half ca36 P using ci clip ing ci clip 0 in ono of c3blo to pivot pin I tha half crlo and anach d lho bra washsr tl ir Fig...

Page 2: ...ION KTT K25 FIG A for typs C2 C7 and C8 cables Conlrol unit end prepaation of type C2 C7 or C8 cablos Fig 7 emove rubber sgals and unscrew nut frcm control hsediide only Sc ew the sliding block P and...

Page 3: ...l 23 a C4 C10 v6c kit de co ln6rion K24 a C2 C7 C8 avec kit de connexiofl K25 MONTAGE DE LA FRICrION Fis 1 lns6rez dans l s logaments pr vus les rsssor 4 et lriction 5 Cetto op6ration doh tr6 er6cut6o...

Page 4: ...Fis 8 Pou eabl6 ty c2 c7 t c0 Pr6p6ration des c blo3 typo C2 C7 ou C8 du c 16 boltisr de com mande FiC 7 Enlovoz l5 capsules ot devissez l 6crou d une s ul c 16 du c bls Visse 16 p tin P et l 6crou su...

Page 5: ...M6x12 Rondella plastic6 Rondella ottone Oialramma Semiscatola Vire MOx35 vne 4x2o Scrsw 6x70 Placard Spring Cnclip D5 Scrow M6x12 Spacer Half case Screw M6135 Sc ew 4x20 Vis 6170 Plaqu6 Ssmi boitier...

Page 6: ...e lnsoriro n gli appositi alloggiam nli 16 mollett Essguirs qu6ta oparaziono in ontramba lc somis tlrsTAt LAztot E sEN a ror Dt coNNEssr p r c vt tlpo c5 Fissare i cavi tipo CS ll lsv6 acc lsr8tore e...

Page 7: ...bgno 2 INSTALLAZIONE coN KIT Dl CONIIESSIONE l 5 Fis 8 po crvi tipo C2 C7 Ca Pr par zion6 d i eavi tipo Ce C7 o C8 dal lato sc6rola Fig 7 Toglierg i gommini 6 svitare il dado da una sola pan6 del c vo...
