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tightening screws first, then adjust the set screws to bring the deflection on the micrometer to read
Rotate back to the 12 o’clock position. If the deflection is not at ‘100’ adjust the Z micro-adjust on
top of the head to bring the deflection to ‘100’
Repeat steps 14-16 until both positions have no height difference.
Aligning the sample head to the platen.
Place a desired lap onto the Advance. Preferably one that does not have any film attached to it.
Turn pump, coolant, oscillation and lap switches to the OFF position.
Mount the sample holder into the quick release and lock into position.
Place a piece of double sided stick tape to the back of the micrometer.
Then place the micrometer right under the quick release interface so that the indicator ball pin of the
micrometer is touching the sample holder right under the pivot point of the quick release interface.
Turn the Z-micro adjust dial on top of the head to bring the head down so that the deflection on the
Micrometer reads ‘100.’