Make us feel at ease even forget turning device off after using ,since
“thermometer” will switch off in
automatically when monitor
( °F ).
Warning: Children MUST be used with the help of the guardian.
The probe should be cleaned and disinfection.
-Replace the battery when low battery is indicated on app,
otherwise the device will not function as intended.
-Clean the surface of the device and rubber case with 75%
concentrated medicinal alcohol before and after using.
-Do not soak the device in any liquid.
-Do not sterilize or use an autoclave on the device.
-If you notice any deterioration or damage, stop using the device
1.The device is not switched on?
Please check if low or no battery power. If yes, please replace battery.
2.App cannot read data?
Please check if device switch on and worn correctly; if your phone’s Bluetooth
on; if the deice and your phone being on valid range.
3.Unusual temperature data?
Please check the wearing position; make sure held tight for first 8mins; make
sure device already being indoor for 5mins before using.
Read instructions before use.
Device classification: Type BF
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive