In addition to polishing and removing paint defects, you can use your Ulti-
mate Detailing Machine Model 1000 to apply liquid waxes and paint seal-
ants. To apply liquid wax products, use a soft, non-abrasive foam pad.
The benefits of applying wax by machine include:
Faster application
less waste
thorough coverage
easier to remove dry wax film
Brighter shine
For best results, apply liquid car waxes and paint sealants sparingly with
your machine set to speed 1-2. It is not necessary to create a heavy wax
film build. In most cases, the contrary is true. A thin, even coating dries
faster and will buff off with less streaking.
To easily remove your dry wax and paint sealant film, stretch a microfiber
bonnet over a dry foam polishing pad. Do not use a bonnet over a wet or
damp pad, as your bonnet will become saturated and streaking will occur.
When buffing off car wax and paint sealant films, set your machine speed
dial to 1 or 2. If a film is stubborn to remove, you may need to increase
speed and apply light pressure. In most cases, wax and sealant films buff
off with little effort.
If your wax film is buffing off clear and then streaking begins, this is an
indication that your bonnet is saturated with wax. Flip you bonnet to use the
second side (if it is a dual-sided bonnet) or switch to a clean, dry bonnet.
To insure best results move the polisher back and forth (east-west) in a slow,
sweeping motion, overlapping each pass (by 50% of the pad width) with
the previous, and then switch your pattern to up and down (north-south). In
most cases, it is not necessary to apply more than a couple pounds of pad
pressure. Heavy polishing may require more.
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